

    The Organic Solar Calendar is the Eightfold Wheel of the Year

  • The Organic Sun (or Solar) Calendar

    The existing commercial calendar, established by pope Gregory 13th in the 1500s CE, follows a modern convention that mandates a leap year every four years for realignment (this is INORGANIC). It's essential to acknowledge that our Celtic and Pre-Celtic Ancestors relied on observable cues such as the four brightest stars in the sky, equinoxes, and solstices to develop the Authentic Eightfold Sun Calendar that has become known as the Eightfold Wheel of the Year.  


    There are 8 Sacred Holy Day Celebrations and Festivals that honored this Eightfold Sun Calendar. It was about connecting into the Divine, Cosmic, and Galactic relations, and anchoring that "Heaven" into the Living Being we call Earth. This is about protecting the organic and natural form of how Humans came together with the organic Living Creation around us -- the beauty of the Sun as a life-giving force, and all the plants, animals, etc.


    This Humanity connection to the Organic Living Natural World was always the truest intention of the celebrations, digging into the Organic (not false!) planetary grid (energy) with ourselves, and uncovering the reverence for the True World that once was and will be again.


    This workshop series is to help dig into those natural rhythyms in powerful ways to create intentional celebration throughout the year.

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    Click this button to read a longer article with a video about the Organic Solar Calendar for more details


    As the grasp of the patriarchal (which means a "system of separation") and the correlating false matrix full of lies and decptions crumbles before our eyes, we can choose to unite with the potent energies being awakened and restored. This restoring of balance brings sovereignty through Unity (or Christ Consciousness) back into this world. By celebrating together and honoring these Sacred Holy Days, this is ONE MORE WAY to assist to weave the Organic Energies again into the very fabric of this realm (and in YOU)!


    There are many lies that were created by the vile beings (you could say demons, archons, doesn't matter the name) that hijacked this Planetary Being and the path of the evolution of Humanity and the Living Beings of this realm many, many thousands of years ago. This faction has hid the truths of what these Sacred Holy Days represented and celebrated. They've been hijacked by "new age" and other "religious" frameworks, and many of us can see the distorted versions (which are the inversions) that are attributed to these Sacred Holy Days(insane things like human sacrifice, etc. which is not true on any level).


    The intention by stepping into this workshop series is that we are uncovering the truths and connecting to the beauty of the natural rythyms, the Once Holy and Sacred Energies, and this Planetary Living Being we call Earth. These are ORGANIC and ORIGINAL energies.


    We do not include "new age" BS, nor do we include dogmatic religious frameworks, more so our intention is one of pure connection into the energies of what each Holy Day represents, and how our realms were connected to other realms at one time and honoring those connections that once were. Tapping into primordial truths before the genocides began to take those that held this wisdom out.


    This is about connection into the forces of GodSource (or God), Mother-Father God, and the Solar Masculine and Feminine Energies, as well as the Planetary Being we live within/upon.




    A poem of Goddess Brighid from Natalie

    "As the energies shift and change, the chaos may overwhelm.

    You'll find that there's solace in gathering in the ways of the olde.

    To see the Truths again through the lens of Sophia and the Cosmic Mother, this is the Wisdom of All that beckons us home.

    Gather again in honor of the Being you call Earth, remember and embrace the Divine Power and Dragons that weave into the magnificent fabric of All That Is.

    This is how you receive the magick of the Sacred Fire of Transformation that will support you through this time.

    This Octave change will shift a great many things, far more than many know, but together you can forge and flow to build anew.

    The beauty of what was will be again. "

  • Connect deeply into the Realms of Land, Sea & Sky to our Inner Realms of the 3 Cauldrons (or energy centers) within each of us as a Divine Human.


    Let a New Quest Begin...



    Your Guides On the Journey:

    Natalie Viglione and Laura Maven Star


    Why join in? Because the continuous practice is essential to practice techniques of coming together in Pure Truth, and to generate and hold the Light that is the Light of Humanity.


    Join us on this mystical journey, and let us rediscover the magick... 

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    We are teaming up to bring you this workshop series to deepen the experience together with Like-Hearted Souls 💚



  • Longing to Reconnect in Pure Truth

    Are you longing, like us, to reconnect with the natural world and tap into its energy but in a NEW way? Us too! This helps us formulate a way of tapping into true CONNECTION again.


    Because you don't have to wear some "perfect clothing" to do ceremonies and rituals that anchor in True Love for yourself, for Nature, for GodSource, etc. and nor do you need to have the "perfect hair." You don't need to pretend to BE anything. We live in this realm in this space in what this is right now, and we need to feel free to come and BE showing up as Who We Truly Are at SOUL LEVEL. We are HUMANS and let us reclaim the love of being a human once again that has love for the Natural Living World and for the Earth (aka Gaia, Pachamama, the Living Planetary Soul that is holding us all).


    That is just about showing up in Pure Truth and Genuine Energies, and one of the reasons why we created this Wheel of the Year Celebration Container. Let us come together to show up in Sacred Ceremony together virtually, and we don't need to worry about all that garbage of what we look like or feel like we "should be" but honor each other as we are. It's energizing the DIVINE within and connecting us to the DIVINE with-out (that lives within ALL)!

    A Primordial Magick Awakened

    The Wheel of the Year is primordial (so it's more than just what we could call "ancient") and a framework that celebrates the cyclical nature of life and the changing of the seasons, but honors the energetic grid within the Planetary Being AND within US ALL (humanity and Living Beings like the animals and planets, etc.).


    The Eightfold Wheel of the Year Calendar that was gifted to us by the Celtic and Pre-Celtic ancestors, and marks eight significant points, including the solstices, equinoxes, and cross-quarter days. Each point represents a unique energy and offers an opportunity for reflection, celebration, and intention setting.

    Wisdom of the Divine That Lives in All Things

    By attuning as a group to the rhythms of this Sacred Wheel, you can integrate these workshops into your own practices year after year. What we're doing is cultivating a greater sense of harmony and balance in our lives with the Sacred Around Us and Within.


    It'll feel more magickal, it'll help us LET GO of the nonsensical "holidays" which actually take away from what the "Sacred Holy Days" once were. In this process, we can let go of what no longer serves us so that the Original Creation Magick of this Wheel of the Year can provide a framework to allow us to UNIFY within ourselves and with the Sacred Energies once again.


    Join us on this transformative journey as we delve into the magick of the Wheel of the Year Calendar, explore primordial truths uncovering what was lost, and discover more and more how it can enhance our spiritual practices and help us truly EMBRACE the holistic, healing natural rhythms of life.

  • How the Workshops Series Works


    The Organic Solar Calendar of Celebrations


    These are solar ceremonies that are held as close to mid-day as we can, when the sun is at its brightest, and each of our celebration workshops are 1.5 hours in length. There are eight (8) Celebrations of the Sacred Holy Days throughout a year (and the Organic Solar Year or Galactic Year used to be 13 months, or moons, and each month consisted of 28 days).


    This is a Northern Hemisphere Schedule

    • February is the Imbolg Celebration and is celebrated anywhere from February 1-2
    • March is the Ostara Celebration [Spring Equinox] and is celebrated anywhere from March 19-23
    • End of April/May 1 is the Beltane Celebration and is celebrated anywhere from April 30 – May 1
    • June is the Litha/Midsummer Celebration [Summer Solstice] and is celebrated anywhere from June 19-23
    • August is the First Harvest of the Harvest Season is called the Lughnasa Celebration (often spelled Lughnasadh) and is celebrated anywhere from August 1-2
    • September is the Second Harvest of the Harvest Season is called the Mabon Celebration [Autumn Equinox] and is celebrated anywhere from September 20-24
    • REGISTRATION OPEN FOR THIS NEXT WORKSHOP October 1st - Oct 30th →End of October/Nov. 1 is the Third Harvest of the Harvest Season and it's the Samhain Celebration, and is celebrated anywhere from October 31 – November 1 - We will hold this celebration on Thursday, October 31, 2024 at 1pm EST (US)
    • December is the Yule Celebration [Winter Solstice] is celebrated anywhere from December 19-23 - Registration for this workshop opens from December 1-20 and is scheduled for Saturday, December 21, 2024 at 1pm EST (US)




    Join us for one (1) workshop for a donation to the

    Sacred Soul Health Ministries of $22.00


    We encourage you to join the LIVE event so that we can capture the energy of the mid-day celebration (even if it's not mid-day for you, we will be connecting into that energy). If you are in a timezone that doesn't allow you to join live, the replay will be available for 3 days post the live event only.