• Reconnecting to Magick 

    🍂🌲🍂 🍂🌲🍂 🍂🌲🍂

    You're Invited to Our 2024 Eightfold Wheel of the Year Workshop Series

  • Did You Know...

    The existing commercial calendar, established by pope Gregory 13th in the 1500s CE, follows a modern convention that mandates a leap year every four years for realignment (INORGANIC). It's essential to acknowledge that our Celtic and Pre-Celtic Ancestors relied on observable cues such as the four brightest stars in the sky, equinoxes, and solstices to develop the Authentic Eightfold Sun Calendar (ORGANIC).  


    There were 8 Sacred Holy Days that honored this Eightfold Sun Calendar, connecting into the Divine, Cosmic, and Galactic relations, as connected to the Living Being we call Earth and protecting the organic and natural form of how it was created.


    This all connects to humanity and the Organic Living Natural World that surrounds us, and the intention with these workshops is to re-establish our deep and expansive connection to the Natural Living and Origin Energies through the knowledge shared in the workshops we create.

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    Click this button to read a longer article with a video about the Wheel of the Year for more details


    As the grasp of the patriarchy fades before us, we can unite with these potent energies, restoring balance and sovereignty to this world that was woven into the very fabric of its being and into all of Living Creation!


    There are many lies created by the vile beings that hijacked this Planetary Being so many, many thousands of years ago. This faction has hid the truths of what these Sacred Holy Days represented and celebrated. They also have stole them and then created inversions of what they represent (often quite horrible inversions, too).


    The intention is that we are uncovering the truths and connecting to the beauty of the natural rythyms, Sacred Energies, this Planetary Living Being we call Earth, and more!


    We do not include "new age" stuff, nor dogmatic religious frameworks, nto any of this. What we bring is the intention for pure connection into what was in the "organic 'before' time" that was real and without all of the manipulations. This "before time" is about tapping into primordial truths before the genocides began to take those that held this wisdom.


    This is about bringing back this primordial essence and we want to invite you to join us to uncover the truths and celebrate together the Solar Masculine and Feminine Energies together!




    A poem from Goddess Brighid as spoken through Natalie...

    "As the energies shift and change, the chaos may overwhelm.

    You'll find that there's solace in gathering in the ways of the olde.

    To see the Truths again through the lens of Sophia and the Cosmic Mother, this is the Wisdom of All that beckons us home.

    Gather again in honor of the Being you call Earth, remember and embrace the Divine Power and Dragons that weave into the magnificent fabric of All That Is.

    This is how you receive the magick of the Sacred Fire of Transformation that will support you through this time.

    This Octave change will shift a great many things, far more than many know, but together you can forge and flow to build anew.

    The beauty of what was will be again. "

  • Connect Deeply Into the Realms of Land, Sea & Sky Together and the Inner Realms of the 3 Cauldrons within each of us!


    A New Quest Begins...




    Your Guides On This Journey:

    Natalie Viglione and Laura Maven Star


    Why join in? Because the continuous practice is essential to perfect the techniques of coming together in Pure Truth, and to generate and hold the Light that is your spiritual heritage!


    Join us on this mystical journey, and let us rediscover the magick together!


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    We are teaming up to bring you this workshop series to deepen the experience together with Like-Hearted Souls 💚



    The Wheel of the Year Calendar is About Celebrating Nature's Cycles Once Again!

  • Longing to Reconnect in Pure Truth

    Are you longing, like us, to reconnect with the natural world and tap into its energy but in a NEW way? Us too! This helps us formulate a way of tapping into true CONNECTION again.


    Because you don't have to wear some "perfect clothing" to do ceremonies and rituals, you don't need to have the "perfect hair." You don't need to pretend to BE anything. We live in this realm in this space in what this is right now, and we need to feel free to come and BE showing up as Who We Truly Are at SOUL LEVEL.


    That is showing up in Pure Truth, and one of the reasons why we are creating this Wheel of the Year Container is that it can help us ALL align with the seasons and harness their power in beautiful ways, do ritual and ceremony again but not worry about all that garbage of what we look like or SHOULD BE. This is about way more than that, isn't it? It's energizing the DIVINE within and connecting us to the DIVINE with-out (that lives within ALL)!

    A Primordial Magick Awakened

    The Wheel of the Year is primordial (so it's more than just what we could call "ancient") and a framework that celebrates the cyclical nature of life and the changing of the seasons.


    Throughout the year, the Wheel of the Year Calendar that was gifted to us by the Celtic and Pre-Celtic ancestors, marks eight significant points, including the solstices, equinoxes, and cross-quarter days. Each point represents a unique energy and offers an opportunity for reflection, celebration, and intention setting.

    Wisdom of the Divine That Lives in All Things

    By attuning as a group to the rhythms of the Wheel, even if you watch replays or integrate them into your own practices the year after or as we go, what we're doing is cultivating a greater sense of harmony and balance in our lives.


    It'll feel more magickal, it'll help us LET GO what no longer serves us so that the Original Creation Magick of this Wheel of the Year can provide guidance and support to us just through the sheer energies that each unique time provides.


    Join us on this transformative journey as we dive into the magick of the Wheel of the Year Calendar, explore primordial truths uncovering what was lost, and discover more and more how it can enhance our spiritual practices and help us truly EMBRACE the holistic, healing natural rhythms of life.

  • How This Workshop Series Works


    Come Celebrate With Us!


    These are solar ceremonies, so we schedule them during the day for 1.5 hours, so hopefully you can save the dates on your calendar ahead of time!


    We will time our LIVE events around the following dates in 2024, and each will be about 60-90 minutes of celebration, ceremony, and ritual:



    • Imbolg Celebration: February 1 - We celebrated February 1, 2024 at 1pm EST (US)
    • Ostara Celebration [Spring Equinox]: March 19-23 - We celebrated March 21, 2024, at 1pm EST (US)
    • Beltane Celebration: April 30 – May 1 - We celebrated May 1, 2024, at 1pm EST (US)
    • Litha/Midsummer Celebartion [Summer Solstice]: June 19-23 - We celebrated June 22, 2024 at 1pm EST (US)
    • NEXT 🔜 Lughnasadh Celebration: August 1-2 - Scheduled for August 1, 2024 at 1pm EST (US)
    • Mabon Celebration [Autumn Equinox]: September 20-24 - Scheduled for September 19, 2024 at 1pm EST (US)
    • Samhain Celebration: October 31 – November 1 - Scheduled for October 31, 2024 at 1pm EST (US)
    • Yule Celebration [Winter Solstice]: December 19-23 - Scheduled for December 21, 2024 at 1pm EST (US)




    Join us for one (1) workshop for an energy exchange of $22.00

    Or, you can upgrade to get the full year with us and receive one workshop free when you upgrade to join us for the year. If you join the entire series, you will receive replays and the full presentations for every celebration all year.



    If you're joining for the full year for the 8 workshops, you'll receive the replay, presentation, and ongoing access! If you join for only 1 workshop, you'll receive the replay afterwards is accessible for 3 full days after the live event.


    Why would you want to upgrade to get all 8 workshops if you sign up after we already began?


    Simple answer: You will get replays of them all which begins to build your own Wheel of the Year container and Sacred Connections. This allows you to be all the more ready for the next year, and also to take bits and pieces and bring them in other unique ways to celebrate, create ceremonies, and do more rituals of deep connection with All That Is.


    You'll receive access to the replays and notes that we share forevermore, and in 2025, we will add LIVE workshops again and add in more layers as we learn and grow together with special offerings just for those that are there for every celebration.



    ✨✨✨ There is no stopping the unleashing of this kind of magick✨✨✨


    You can take what we share and add your own beautiful MAGICK... because as we do these things more and more together, without the "new age" and any other "religious" BS... our DNA REMEMBERS. We know when we hold what we now call "priestess or priest" codes, and we can SPARK the Sacred Fire within to remember more and more and more... we become the very things we know we are faster when we do things like this in SERVICE AND PRACTICE.