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  • Vibrational Medicine for Humans & Furbabies


    We are ALL multidimensional beings and ALL connected energetically.

    This is the Law of One in practice.


    Plants, humans, animals, minerals, everything is connected and everything communicates. All layers of this planet and the living beings within it/on it have a specific vibration, and our chakras are way more than just wheels of spinning energy. Chakras are actuallly STARGATES connecting into other dimensions that allow us to bring light into matter in a MAGNIFICENT way.


    This is the essence of what I mean when I say "Vibrational Medicine"...


    The truth of what ALL beings are is far more than many can imagine!


    Unlocking the truth to heal from the inside out, we must let go of the OLD to awaken the NEW.


  • Sacred Soul Healing Through Vibrational Medicine with Natalie Viglione


    At its root, Vibrational Medicine is…

    “Both the awareness and the application of vibrational energies to improve and maintain health and the many forms and frequencies of vibrational energy that contribute to the multidimensional experience we call life.”


    My mentor Dr. Terry Willard said this and it’s perfect!

    The health, the unique healing quests, and the ongoing empowerment of our Sacred Soul is imperative for us to focus on for it's where we unlock our innate power.

    Call me your Holistic Pathfinder & Illuminator to support your exploration and deepening of your UNIQUE journey through deeper healing that can change our lives, the Earth, and this allows you to unleash more of YOU that may be hiding under fatigue, weariness, not feeling empowered, etc.


    This is about looking at HOW your body functions (from the minerals within) to the energetic aspects of who you truly are. Clarity, purpose, etc. comes when your body is in BALANCE and you cultivate the Qi (your vital life force) to a point that allows you to become more and more harmonized, inasmuch is possible within this realm.


    Bringing in as much VITALITY as possible cultivated from the inside-out!


    The best healers are healing themselves or have healed themselves. For me, it's a transformative healing process that pushed me head-first into the abyss where mainstream narratives don't hang out, and that is an ever-unfolding journey of deeper and deeper healing (especially as I navigate out of mainstream BS).


    This included having to deprogram from the lies about the healing of our little furbabies...

    Yes, the lies and manipulations go that deep, even to our animal's health. It's that twisted and we must realize that, and this is why TRUTH WILL SET US ALL FREE.



    The truths that have been hidden from humanity are the things ALL of us must know once again.


    It's my path to go against the mainstream and those horrible narratives that keep humanity weak to share this Primordial Wisdom that I hold innately, and to share the new wisdom that I've taken in due to the process I've undergone to deprogram from the horrific lies and manipulations in this realm around HEALTH and our HEALING. It's when this wisdom is shared with others that the power is transferred to unlock the Innate and Powerful Healer from within, for we are our OWN healers and our own saviors!


    This is the power of the wisdom that I choose to hold as I step into the path becoming both a Master Herbalist Jedi and a Root Cause Protocol Practitioner, and as I train and go ever-deeper in these disciplines, I bring in my own metaphysical magick that is Innate to Me. This journey of training and deep gnosis from within initated into these truths have awakened my mission and lineage of the primeval (which means no beginning and no end) Sacred Energies powerfully stepping into my Truth.

    My Desire + Intention

    Allow you to bring in MORE VITALITY, to deepen the awareness of the ever-evolving holistic picture of what's happening within you (DEEP WITHIN), how it relates to your external world, and peer into the blind spots so that you can course-correct to UNLEASH more of your power!


    The most important aspect for this work is this:

    This work requires you to deprogram from previous belief systems that you've been told to believe, especially around this thing we have called "disease" for we've been fed lies for centuries...



    • Root Cause Protocol Institute: Certification May 2024, Certified Root Cause Protocol Mineral Consultant
    • Wild Rose College of Herbal Medicine, Dr. Terry Willard
      • Master Herbalist In Training with : Herbal magick from Ancient European/Druidic Healing Practices, Auyervedic Practices, First Nation's Tribes Practices, and Chinese Medicine
      • Flower Essence Practitioner In Training with mentor, Dr. Terry Willard 
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    Short Backstory

    I was born a preemie arriving 2 months early, in fact, I was born within the 7th month of the pregnancy, on the 7th day in the 7th month, and in a year that numerologically was a 7. So, I was born within a 7777 magickal snowflake moment!


    I was a preemie because my father was injured in Vietnam, like many others, massively wounded by a chemical called "agent orange," it's not something people like talking about but it's very real.


    Many firstborns of those who returned from Vietnam have suffered from physical injuries, premature births, horrible deformations, and so much more. There's a lot more to this story... (I reveal some of this story here in this interview).


    I was born hypersensitive and am a Precognitive-Empath, and a Blue Ray Starseed-Indigo connected to the Mother of Dragons Lineage, so this set me up for a VERY different path.

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    Innate Gifts

    Since I was little, I've had the power of intuition and empathic-psychic abilities and I've felt a powerful connection to animals and all of Nature. I've used these abilities to steer my life into far-reaching places while checking off those goals (which is a modern-day word for the Universal Concept of Manifestation).


    This included moving 3,000 miles away to find my twin flame in this incarnation! We are now married and creating a totally authentic, beautiful path together as we support each other in powerful evolution.


    We all have catalysts that awaken our soul's power, and in the disrUPtions, that's where we can find the medicine... (they take us UP and out of being in a stuck place).

  • Ready to dive into a 1:1 together?

    It's an investment of $125 for a 90-minute 1st session together. There will be some things emailed to you before we schedule the session.


    After the first session, typically there will be follow-up sessions that are created and customized based on our unique path forward together with fees varying based on your unique needs. The follow up sessions are $75 per session.

  • Being Who We Truly Are ...

    The Vulnerable, Transparent, and Authentic Self

    There were 2 times in my life when I shut down my powers to try to "fit in" and do what everyone else was doing, and those times were significantly challenging for me. In fact, the hardest times in my life to date.


    However, I learned incredible lessons from those 2 times when I tried to shut down my Higher Self and Spiritual Team, and I've never shut them down again. I suffered greatly when I did ...

    The Healing Journey Begins With Choice

    In my healing journey and through the empowerment of claiming my Avatar Self, the list of truths that I've uncovered is so very long. But, this all stemmed from being born as what many have called a hyper-sensitive person, a Starseed-Inidigo, and an empath. As I heal myself, plus help our furbabies heal, I've found the MEDICINE & MAGICK in the disrUPtions, for it has been about leveraging them as beautiful catalysts. There's a difference between unneccesary suffering and catalysts.


    As I progress on my way to becoming a Master Herbalist that's taught by a Master Jedi Herbalist, as I call him, Dr. Terry Willard, as well as the Root Cause Protocol instructions gleaned by the truthseeker, Morley Robbins , it is through these practices that I unlock more from within (with more modalities I will add onto this framework!).


    Connecting the dots is the foundation of strategy and being visionaries of our own lives, and now I want to help others do this same thing providing a framework and ways to unlock your OWN amazing wisdom!

  • How A Session is Facilitated


    Fill out the questionnaire and setting your intention - What is it about your Sacred Soul Path that needs a tune up? Is it for you? Your furbaby? Both?


    These are 90-Minutes for the first session and then we set up the path upon completion of the first session together according to the uniqueness of what's uncovered.


    We create a Safe & Sacred Space within our medicine container together.


    I often will do a Sacred Soul Scanning from "in womb" to birth and beyond we will dig into emotions, events, stresses, and so much more. NO holding back as it's so important to become 100% vulnerable so that we can unlock the depths of what has been hidden within. Sometimes extremely vital aspects hide in the tiniest of moments... and within those we can find the power that was lost.


    After the first session, we go from there and create what the path forward should be... it is a co-creation!

  • Sometimes we need guidance and a facilitator to help us peer into the places where there are potential blockages, or that we can't see clearly. Guidance and facilitation from someone who has "been there, done that" or that can step into your shoes as an empath gift is designed for allows for more open discussions and helps uncover pathways available.


    Emotions are powerful and part of our unique magick, but we only ignite our FULL power when we are clear on where we are blocked and where we need to let things go so the energy can flow again. When we look at our bodies energetically and physically, it's a flowing river of consciousness and energy.


    I use my deep connection into the Celestial Dragon Realm energies to help you peer into currently hidden areas, and together we co-create solutions that can get the energy moving and shaking!

  • Some examples of what we can discuss:

    To help illuminate varying pathways forward, I will often recommend or refer out to other great practitioners who are dedicated to a very niche healing modality that may assist you on your overarching healing journey. It's about illuminating the HIGHEST GOOD for you!

    Not feeling very well, energetically feeling depleted

    Connecting into what's going on with your furbabies and you ... for one is not disconnected from the other

    Emotionally blocked from speaking your truth, let's discover other pathways to help cleanse and unblock that area

    Blockages you face around your health (are there spiritual factors that haven't been looked at?), or perhaps you're feeling into potential blockages that you know are there but unsure of the deepest reasons why or would love to know ways to assist in removing or moving through them.

    Pathways for healing using herbal magick and many other natural healing resources that's outside your current healing circle (a FRESH perspective on what else there could be to help assist you). I love sharing and looking at ALL things within this realm available to offer as guidance and recommendations outside of my capabilities at this time.

    Dealing with difficult times or a significant transition and in need of a sounding board to bring through varying potential solutions.

    We can explore what I call Ancient Lineage Nutrition, your overall energy state within spiritual aspects, environmental issues, relationships, etc.

    Please see more examples listed below in #1 of the FAQs

  • Ready to dive into a 1:1 together?

    It's an investment of $125 for a 90-minute 1st session together. There will be some things emailed to you before we schedule the session.


    After the first session, typically there will be follow-up sessions that are created and customized based on our unique path forward together with fees varying based on your unique needs. Follow up sessions are $75 per session, unless you and Natalie decide to do testing. For the full analysis on the tests and a follow up session, that is $150.00 (this is decided upon in the first or follow up sessions as needed around testing).


  • Laura Maven Star,

    Sacred Oracle & Goddess of Light Emissary for the Divine Feminine Christ Consciousness

    "I am so grateful for Natalie's clear guidance in helping me to regain my health and energy. After several years of trying various programs, supplements, changing my diet and working with various healthcare providers I never reached my health goals and they always seem to fall short. With Natalie's expertise she has given me a new health plan that is simple to follow and many positive results of increased energy, better sleep, reduced stress and overall feeling of wellness! I feel confident again that I can achieve all of my health goals with Natalie's guidance. I highly recommend working with Natalie for your Sacred Soul Health goals. You won't be disappointed!"

  • If you'd like to meet first...

    book a FREE 15-minute discovery chat!

    We'll see if our vibrations match! Click the button below.

  • FAQs


  • Do you have a few questions for Natalie?

    Please allow 24-48 hours for a response.