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  • Learn What Your Divine Gifts Are

    and How To Stop Suppressing Them

    Hello Beloved Soul, Natalie here, and thanks for checking this Masterclass out!


    Who this IS for: If you aren't sure if you've uncovered ALL of your Divine Gifts; if your issue is HOW to figure out WHAT your gifts are, then you're in the right place. It's what I call "Phase 1" and is a foundational piece to unlocking magick from within, as I see it.


    Who this IS NOT for: This Masterclass Program is NOT for you if you feel that you've already mastered and tapped into all of your Divine Gifts and do NOT feel you have any more unlocking to do. If you're feeling like the next step is to ACTIVATE into a much more structured Sacred Mission, then please go check out Team Gu (www.teamgu.com).


    I founded Team Gu many years ago to assist those with Sacred Missions to ACTIVATE & BUILD. Get your digital stargates/portals launched, learn how to create POWERFUL content in BOLD ways, co-create through Strategic Guidance, build a unique Algorithm-Proof Content Strategy... and SO MUCH MORE!


    Yes, you can build your mission without having to sacrifice your values & your soul! ꨄ︎ 


    Otherwise...you are in the right place if you're here to begin to figure out your unique gifts and innate skillsets (psychic and otherwise) that can be used within your Sacred Mission, learn how to connect more of your own dots, and do more unblocking and unlocking from within. My truest intention with this Foundational Masterclass is to help you discover MORE of what your Divine Gifts are and to provide the ways to tune into them further to SEE THEM, FEEL THEM, BEGIN TO USE THEM.


    You'll create your own Roadmap of Unique Innate Skills + Talents, plus learn how to unfold them more into your unique Sacred Mission. This is tailored for the indigos, starseeds, and all the Cosmic Wanderers that are ready to figure out how to unlock what your divine gifts are, bring them out of hiding and out from under the suppression, and then to deepen your connection into how you can serve!


    Step into this enchanting masterclass program with me, where we shall unveil innate potential and weave a tapestry of goodness in the world by discovering our Divine Gifts and employing them in service to all for the greater good!


    In Sacred Service,

    ~ Natalie Viglione

  • Is A Sense Of Unfulfilled Potential Haunting Your Every Step?


    When you KNOW you have Innate Magickal Gifts but feel they're still hiding or just ready to burst but they aren't "coming through" in the way you desire, this can lead to a feeling of being "locked up." This is a foundational program that can help you to begin to release the chains of spiritual gift suppression.


    Come... step into this enchanting masterclass program with me, where we shall unveil innate potential and weave a tapestry of goodness in the world by discovering our Divine Gifts and employing them in service to all for the greater good!


    ♡❀˖⁺. ༶ ⋆˙⊹❀♡

    Watch this video to learn more

    If you're not ready for the Masterclass, you can learn more in this free guidebook!

    For the Seekers, Starseeds, Indigos... What Does Tapping Into Your Unique Magick and Mastery Mean?

    This guidebook will allow you to explore a bit more about this Tap Into Your Magick concept which is dedicated to awakening MORE of the magick and mastery from within you to empower your evolutionary path.

  • "It provides a safe place to momentarily detach from the matrix, to help sort things out, and have guidance by Natalie who knows what you've been through..."


    #DisruptNowFanGirl NYC

  • .。.∗⁕☆*:✧★✧:*☆⁕∗.。.

    The Tap Into Your Magick Masterclass is a comprehensive training taking you from a being stuck in "Dormant Gifts" to uncovering your Divine and Innate Gifts to see them clearly!


    Others will marvel at the transformation when you reveal MORE about your inner mystic.


    Join the Masterclass and emerge with more clarity about what your gifts are and how to be a powerful dot connector in your life! 


    Is this YOU?

    "I have divine gifts and I know they're there because I remember I had 'more magick' when I was kid, but I feel lost when I try to connect dots."

    "I have psychic insights but feel that I am blocking them somehow, where would this blockage be?"

    "I am ready to hone in on my unique abilities, and begin to create some kind of structure to figure out my mission!"

    "I've been so emotionally turbulent and feel a lot of negativity from others when I talk about my gifts or ask questions. I need to take time to focus on ME to see more fully into what I used to know innately versus now. Somehow, my gifts are feeling locked up inside."

  • I get it.

    This is how I felt for YEARS before I threw in the towel, left my corporate gig in 2016 (and that big fat paycheck- OUCH!), and said,


    "I'm done with this corporate shit -- I'm gonna launch MY unique and sacred mission NOW and I'll be able to fully discover and use my Divine Gifts every day and feel sovereign in my Being!"


    I wished that I had a program like this. To see the magick I held when I was young, and how my gifts were seemingly hidden by the environments around me. Or, how I was continuously SUPPRESSING them (never are our gifts turned off, but they can be locked within).


    When I finally learned to see my FULL magick, to unlock my FULL Magickal Gifts, true authentic self-expression unfolded easily. All aspects of my Soulstream of Consciousness ignited my Sacred Mission to serve others and this Earth. I could then focus on how this contributes to the greater good and not struggle anymore with hiding who I truly am or worrying about what others think of me.

    I want you to feel the same!

  • Since then, I've been serving others and evolving within my Sacred Mission since 2016. Evolution comes faster and faster, and I'm more connected to my Divine Gifts today because I said YES!


    I designed this Tap Into Your Magick foundational masterclass to get others, like me, out of the thinking that their divine gifts don't matter OR aren't unique.


    Starseeds and Indigos (the Seekers and Wayshowers), we often feel like outsiders due to our unique abilities or ways of perceiving the world, and you deserve a push towards your self-mastery!




    [That's a picture of me recently at Avebury Henge, such a magickal place!]

  • "In the Tap Into Your Magick Masterclass, it's about higher thinking, higher consciousness-- that is exactly what Natalie delivered...I went deeper into my own essence!"


    Take a listen to a recent Tap Into Your Magick Masterclass member and what she got from the program!


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  • Ready to swim in your uniqueness?

    Unlock the full masterclass for $77

    7 classes, 7 themes...7 is the secret to unlocking so much within you and within this realm (and beyond)!

  • This masterclass is about the magick you hold.

    It's also about ...

    🌀 Creating an Innate Skills Blueprint (or Map) so that you can see your gifts and how they can connect into something much larger -- this is the mapping of a Sacred Mission in the works!


    🌀 Becoming more BOLD and powerful in your truth to unapologetically say YES to know your gifts. It's the BEGINNINGS OF TAKING BACK YOUR POWER!

    🌀 Healing and evolving a little further in who you are. You've done a lot of work, but there is always energy that can block us. Find your magick, learn your magick, unblock some more.

    🌀 Ripping that mask off that has been there that's trying to fit into society's expectations, and connect into your true self so that the inner turmoil can subside. Let the FEAR go!

    🌀 Awakening your Inner Knowing by SEEING your gifts, FINDING your gifts, DOT CONNECTING your gifts. This unlocks more pathways and aligns with the greater good you desire to serve even if it seems "blocked" right now in its fullness.

    🌀 Gain a deeper understanding of ways to connect with yourself-- you will create the roadmap you can use as you unlock more of your Sacred Mission!

  • Unlock the Full Masterclass

    Ready to get started?

    ~ 7 hours, 7 classes

    **Comprehensive Video Modules**

    This "phase 1" or foundational program that breaks down the process of FIGURING OUT your gifts. Learn to *see* more of your natural-born talents. These are broken down into seven in-depth instructional videos.

    You'll receive supportive guidebooks, the Unique Magick Innate Skillset Worksheet & more!

    **Workbooks & Reflection **

    You will be provided with workbooks with exercises, questions, and journal prompts that encourage self-reflection, helping you delve deeper into your unique process. You can document insights, progress, and revelations as you move through the masterclass.

    Every class has varying activations (meditations, guided visualizations & more)

    **Guided Meditations and Energy Work Sessions**

    You will be guided through meditations and energy-clearing/tuning-up practices of the stargates within you (aka chakras). The intention is to help you dissolve old patterns and energies, creating space for new insights and abilities to emerge. A FOUNDATION and beginning phase 1 of "awakening magick"

    Special access and invites to online events & other offerings, plus lifetime access to the program

    **Receive access to One-on-One Guidance as an upgrade if you'd like to receive personalized guidance tailored to your unique path and discovery**


    If you seek ADVANCED trainings, stay tuned for a "Part 2" Magickal Program coming. If you're ready to ACTIVATE your Sacred Mission in the world, go see www.teamgu.com for other potential illumination for your Sacred Path.

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  • The 7 Core Classes of the

    Tap Into Your Magick Program


    Beginning to Tap Into Your Unique Magick

    Learn what your "innate magick" means as in the context of this course—this is the beginning of analyzing YOUR TRUE INNATE GIFTS and why our chakras are more important than most can ever imagine--they're way more than "gift shop" posters.


    Tapping Into Your Inner Guidance System

    Activate your heart-brain connection and more deeply awaken the inner guidance system through a meditation you can use every day. This is the Sacred Heart intuition; allow this to become your North Star Directive from within as you build your Innate and Divine Skillset Map. Using all the wisdom you hold no matter what age. Plus, you'll build a map of YOUR UNIQUE “keywords” that should be a driver of your Path.


    Shadow Work To Unblock the Skills

    Face MORE of the Shadows… go just a bit deeper! I know, you've done lots of this, but what if you didn't actually heal that thing from another incarnation or that event from 10 years ago? We are being asked to go DEEPER THAN EVER BEFORE! Activate more wisdom by deprogramming and clearing old energies to awaken the new within you.


    Why Health and Well-being are Vital

    Build your Innate Gifts Skillset Map… this Skillset Map can become a beacon that drives you to remember who you are at the soul level. It's so clear when we're little most often, but it gets blocked and drowned in the patriarchal society. Learn to command your system and to work with your DNA in ways perhaps you’ve never done before. Plus, learn deep healing techniques that I’ve learned as a Master Herbalist and Root Cause Protocol Practitioner In Training… this upleveling of “self-care” is more important than ever before.


    Understanding Our (The Human) Magick

    Igniting your heart space & OPENING UP to receive. Learn to align your innate magick abilities, which is aligning Emotions/Intentions with your Thoughts, Actions, and Words. THIS IS MANIFESTATION IN ACTION (vital to BUILDING the next steps of where you're heading on a Sacred Path).


    Turning Your Unique Magick Into Something Real

    Activate your AUTHENTIC SELF… this takes courage to speak your truth, activate that throat chakra, and learn what sharing your magick can look like.


    Aligning Your Avatars and Creating from a Place of Power

    Align your Divine Star Self with your Earth Star Self, and learn how you can end the fear cycle. You'll leaern how to zero around those you desire to serve with a map of how to lay that out. These aspects can help you create from YOUR unique space.

  • A Few More Samples About Natalie's Guidance

    Some great words about how this work can impact lives.

    Nothing is more potent than amazing disrUPtion breakthroughs!

    - Kathryn D.

    I finally experienced the shift of soul embodiment. This was the key I needed!!! 🥹🥹 omg can we please be friends, you are truly MAGICAL 🫶

    - Jada Berteaux, Louisiana

    "You are not only professional but also encouraging, creative and flexible. I have felt like a valued client from the start! As a writer, I value clear communication and I received it. I can’t say enough about how you go the extra mile to assist me in so many areas.

    - Amanda V., North Carolina

    "I am so incredibly ecstatic to have you, Natalie, as my guide. I think it's the best money I've ever spent in my entire life and I have already seen huge progress and steps towards me being grounded and having more clarity on my own Self and who I am and what I want. I am super excited to begin this new program...!"

    - Andrea Mejia, New York City 

    "Tunnel vision: it can be a gift and a crutch. It can enable us to learn something to the point of intuition. At other times, we can get so caught up in the momentum that unless some force acts upon our path, you’ll stay in it. Locked in its matrix. Unless you break out of it. This is why this work changes everything, and it did for me. It provides a safe place to momentarily detach from the matrix, to help sort things out, and have guidance by Natalie who knows what you've been through. She helps you grow, and to not be stuck in status quo simply because it has become a comfortable, predictable habit. Thank you, Nat, for this program, for providing a safe place purge our thoughts, fears; a place to get back in touch with our essence. #DisruptNowFangirl "

    - Paulina Brusca, New York City

    "I had to physically extract myself from two lucrative senior management positions that were slowly killing me. That’s when I met Natalie and my life changed. When I started working with her I was instantly connected to something greater than myself that started pulling the best me out of me. Her courage, creativity, and drive sparked the part of me that was willing to push myself to think better thoughts, deliver results that I was proud of and be accountable to myself to be all that I could. Nowadays I’m experiencing an unexpected rebirth where I once again LOVE my work."

  • Are YOU Ready to Stop Suppressing Your Divine Gifts and

    Figure Out YOUR Innate & Divine Magickal Talents?


  • After you've joined...


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    Unlock the Full Tap Into Your Magick Masterclass Program

    • ~ 7 hours (7 different modules) holding guidance and strategy support
    • Every module has varying activations (meditations, guided visualizations & more)
    • You'll receive supportive guidebooks, the Unique Magick Innate Skillset Worksheet & more!
    • Special access and invites to online events & other offerings
    • Lifetime access to the program


    Plus, MORE waiting for you inside the masterclass program series ...


    *Make sure to check your spam/junk email after your purchase, as you will automatically receive access to the program via email from our site.

  • About Your Guide, Natalie Viglione

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    Oracle of Original Creation, Primordial Wisdom Story Keeper, Vibrational Medicine Guide & Sacred Soul Path Illuminator


    Once, I was coerced to believe that my divine gifts were not needed/desired nor were they unique (by the status quo of this realm), and that I was fated to lead a life of conformity in the corporate world.


    Only when getting outside to run along the water with my furry companion, or later on, sharing my cosmic soul with my husband (and twin flame partner), these were the only times I felt safe enough to unleash "my real Self." The magick I had as a kid got way too suppressed over time.


    In my 30s, I had begun to accept that this was "just the way of the world" and the horrid status quo was what we were all doomed to tolerate. That is, until the day I was visited by dreamtime learnings and messages from my Cosmic Soulstream (or Higher Self/ves/Spiritual Council), calling me into action. The timeline had shifted in 2016, and I had to answer the call. I said YES, and here I am...

    We live in a world that has been chock full of lies, manipulation, and unnecessary trauma. The patriarchy, a system of separation and control, has been created by evil beings. It has caused the suppression of many humans' divine gifts and has thrown us into chaos by eradicating the existence of the Sacred Feminine Energy and the Cosmic Mother. Many starseeds and indigos--those who came here with a mission-- have not been able to launch it on Earth due to this system.


    But timelines have changed and there is a Higher Path we can walk... together!


    I see this higher evolutionary path where all beings can thrive. We are part of something bigger, a brotherhood and sisterhood of soul families here to assist humanity at the end of a cycle. We each bring our unique gifts and wisdom to help make this happen! That is THE call!

  • Natalie's Guarantee


    IF you are a dedicated seeker ready to embrace your sacred mission, if you have felt the call to no longer suppress your divine gifts, and IF you commit to fully engaging with every step of the Tap Into Your Magick Foundational Masterclass—completing all exercises, modules, and going through all the modules—THEN, with my guidance, you will experience a profound awakening of the magick within you and begin to effectively see how your divine gifts come online by dissolving old energy patterns that no longer serve you.


    OR, if after completing the coursework and being an active participant, you do not feel that a new level of magick has awakened within you to *see* YOU in a whole new light (as a MAGICKAL being!), I will not only offer you a complete refund, and would also be open to providing a personalized 1-on-1 guidance session to address what your remaining blocks are and IF I can be of service—because I stand by my commitment to share the risk and ensure your transformation.


    This is the strength of my promise to you: your success and satisfaction are my highest priority!

  • Not ready for the masterclass?

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    You'll receive messages about events, healing, or other mystical & magickal things!

    and we don't sell or share our data with anyone