Team Gu's Disrupt Now Coaching Program and Meet Me Series from New York City combined forces to bring the Power of Purpose Summit for Women to life on March 24, 2018.
The purpose of this event was to promote conversations and integrate exercises that will help women uncover their purpose, move forward with their goals, inspire them, and help them drive from their passion point towards the life they desire!
Natalie Viglione, Founder of Team Gu and the Disrupt Now Program, and Meet Me Series Founder, Ayanna Dutton, came together in Charlotte to bring a day of EMPOWERMENT to Charlotte women.
With special speakers and amazing sponsors dedicated the Saturday to ensure that all that attended would leave feeling motivated, spark a sense of freedom on the rise, and become intent on being purpose-driven in their pursuit of life! This special event included a very condensed version of the full Disrupt Now Program. We brought together 4 of the 6 sessions to start the journey...
The day included the following sessions:
OPENING: Welcome & Introduction from Hosts
SESSION 1: Commitment: Life Mapping & Goal Setting
SESSION 2: Connecting & Centering Around Purpose
SESSION 3: Communication & Collaboration
SESSION 4: Consistency & Change
CLOSE OF PROGRAM: We concluded with a gift of a resource folder so that this event "never ends" for the attendees, plus other unique gifts! And, we had a champagne celebration session to cheers to a year of PURPOSE!