What is the great awakening? What is the significance of the great awakening?
The great awakening is now... the world is about to change (well, is changing), and there’s thankfully NO going back
We are in the greatest shift this Earth has ever seen… it’s a time of massive opportunity for those who choose the path of Awakening which is moving totally away from fear and embracing the creator (co-creating with the Universe) path.
HomoSpiritus is a concept of being fully actualized, fully awakening to who we are at the SOUL level, connecting to your higher Self, connecting to all that is. In this evolution it’s a big realization for many as to how much of life they actually slept through. The spiritual evolution from HomoSapien to HomoSpiritus has been popularized by the teachings of Dr. David Hawkins, especially in his book entitled “Subjectivity and Reality” published in 2013. He uses kinesiology (or muscle) testing to rate what he describes as the subjective levels of an individual’s consciousness, emotion and sense of reality.
In simple terms, those that choose the HomoSpiritus path (without resistance) become the “Spiritual Human” vs HomoSapien, so this world is being divided, as many of us can feel, see, and it’s only going to get more intense as this bifurcation keeps going.
This podcast episode is a beautiful conversation with Sophie McLean, a wisdom teacher that leads transformational talks examining the human network of ideas, beliefs, consciousness, and ego.
The conversation weaves through the current great awakening, the great shift from homosapiens to homospiritus, and delves into the fact that every single human is on a hero’s journey, we meander through these beautiful facts:
- How we each have the POWER to shift from being the victim/sufferer to the powerful co-creator, an originator of all things in our life
- That humans have gifts, the gift is Kinetic Energy… learn why resisting this gift pushes us into more suffering
- We are being FORCED to either resist awakening or to awaken (you can choose)
- Homosapiens and ego have gotten us so far, but we have created a world of cruelty, division… it is time to transition
- What this awakening really means and how it is shoving us into Homospiritis and what that means… + more!

Sophie McLean's intention in life is to participate in the creation of a new culture for humankind. This new culture includes our evolution from surviving on "automatic" to living a conscious life of freedom, love, and fulfillment.
This is Sophie's gift to you, to lighten the upheaval we are currently living through.
This free course may be running for only a limited time. Answer the call of your soul.
Later this year, Wisdom Teacher Sophie McLean will offer a profound, pragmatic, and powerful course where she will personally guide students through the detailed mapping of their own soul's journey to discover who they really are and to find their soul's intention in incarnating. We will let you know as soon as the dates for the live course, 'Your Soul's Epic Journey', are confirmed.
Your Soul's Journey
Live Course
The course is limited to 50 participants only, as Sophie is committed to have a personal relationship and a profound impact on each student.
The course is therefore based on a first come, first serve basis.
If you wish to make sure you do not let this opportunity pass (as we are only accepting 50 participants), please make sure to click the button below and add your email. You will be given the option to register one week before everybody else.
The course opens for public registration in April 7 and starts on May 15.
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Sophie McLean's mission is to contribute to the creation of a new culture for humankind; or the shift from Homo Sapiens to Homo Spiritus, as Dr. David Hawkins so beautifully wrote.
Born in Algeria, educated in Morocco and France, with a professional career in the USA and UK, Sophie has led an eventful life. She has been a helicopter pilot, a teacher, a designer, a relief worker, a war refugee, a CEO, and served as a United Nations representative on The Commission on the Status of Women’s Hunger Project. She has been shot at, shipwrecked, and widowed. She has lived on a farm, a boat, a penthouse, and in an ashram.
As a wisdom teacher, Sophie has spent decades leading transformational seminars to over 80,000 people around the world, of all ethnicities, ages, religions and social backgrounds – all engaged with the universal existential questions of “Who and what am I?” and “What is my life about?” Her seminar and podcast topics span both human and metaphysical dimensions – exposing and deconstructing the automatic ego, consciousness, freedom, love, stress, anxiety, fear, relationships, health, sex, money, ownership, leadership, spirituality, creation and evolution, the feminine and the masculine, responsibility, and making an effective, actionable difference in the world.
In Sophie McLean's life and work, she strives to bring elegance, worldly experience, grit, courage, and insight leading to revelation and transformation.
Connect with Sophie directly:
Website: www.Sophiemclean.com
Facebook Interactive Group: "Thinking Consciously: Awareness the Ultimate Power"
Facebook Page: "Sophie McLean, Access to Awareness LLC"
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