Episode 24 of the Disrupt Now Podcast is out. We’re exploring The New Male Warrior®, a concept by Natalie Viglione.
TRADITION is a word used to describe things that are kept over the years that are thought to be inherently good in our homes, generally good for humanity. But there's a difference between traditions that are based on LOVE and nostalgia versus just keeping bad habits alive.
Traditions meant for good that keep alive great memories of past times like your granny’s recipes or your tradition to sit around the fireplace on a holiday, these are good for the soul and feel good.
But, a lot of the things that we accept as “traditions” are just bad habits that continue to be carried from the past and NO LONGER SERVE HUMANS TODAY!
Things like gender bias and discrimination. Race bias and discrimination. These are "traditions" in how humans are treated that DO NOT serve humanity any longer.
The big questions we're tackling in this episode: how do men (or the males, the masculine energy) find their balance today when they have been the ones that “go to battle,” that “go to work,” and then women (or the females, the feminine) are the caretakers and “less than” category?
Don't you think it's time our world stops these horrid traditions?
Paradigms in our world have shifted, and ARE shifting (this is the collective consciousness shift that has started), and the old days are gone. Let's leave them in where they belong, in a past time long gone.
There is a battle going on, but it has been a silent plea of those that don't have a voice but need to be heard. However, with the #MeToo movement things have shifted for women (let me rephrase, they've started to shift). And, this needs to continue to spread its wings to stop the pain and angst felt by too many others in this world. A world without looking at race or gender is a more conscious world! Archaic norms that don't serve us anymore, which really is the status quo, must die! We must restate what a warrior means, and we must redefine what it means to thrive in masculine and feminine energies so that we don’t continue to limit a human’s potential any longer. Period.
Here’s an interesting exercise to try before you listen to this episode. Go to Google and go to images, type in the word “warrior” and see what comes up. You'll be pretty surprised to see what we define as "warrior!"
Special guest, Mark Viglione, is the husband and business partner of Natalie Viglione who hosts the Disrupt Now podcast. Mark went on this journey noted above to go search for "warrior" images in internet land and found that all you see is a bunch of images of beast-like men that are wielding swords. There may be one or two images of women squished in there wearing some slinky, slutty style of “battle dress” but it’s predominantly just a lot of imagery of men.
What? Women can't be warriors?!
There are plenty of silent battles based on power struggles happening every day. The real battle we all face is this continuation of gender and race discrimination, and us “warriors” are battling to make the status quo come to a halt! It has become a battle of wisdom versus ignorance.
So join Mark and crew in this episode to dig into how men (or the males, the masculine energy) can find their balance today, and how women (or the females, the feminine energy) can also start to find balance.
Because the reality is that everything is ENERGY!
We explore this topic with an intro by Natalie Viglione, host, and a special guest interviewer, Andrea Mejia, with the featured guest, Mark Viglione.