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Bursting of the Sacred Heart [The Wisdom of the Heart and Healing]

Natalie Viglione

The Sacred Heart Within is Where We Experience the Divine Energy of Unconditional Love

A Personal Story From The HEART 💚 [and a special invite]

Back in Feb. 2020, one day I was sitting at my desk writing when all of a sudden I felt a burst of light within my heart space …

In that instant, I felt the Sacred Heart within me open like a flood gate was released… and this BURST came with a powerful message that I had to share, a message about Unconditional Love.

Little did I know that soon after this experience, I would have an opportunity to choose to say yes to offering unconditional love to someone who was going to test that very thing within me.

This wasn't an option to choose, it was a calling. An unshakable feeling down to the very last cell in my body that I had to stare into my Sacred Heart deeper than ever before…

Messages like these flowed through me:

Unconditional Love …

  • does not allow for us to accept anything less than respect and create genuine, authentic relationships
  • does not make us feel unworthy of it
  • enables us to feel safe to place HEALTHY boundaries to ensure we can thrive
  • allows us to repair our hearts and souls even when we feel like we don't deserve it
  • and so much more!

This floodgate opening in my heart of hearts sent me on my way to automatic writing, as it often does, and I wrote this article that just flowed through me straight from the Sacred Feminine Cosmic Energy… you can read that article here!

Plus, speaking of hearts, you're invitedto a new event!

This heart-based online symposium kicks off August 6th, 2023 …

💚 How to Unlock Your Heart's Wisdom to Heal Any Area of Your Life 💚

I will be joining Helena Dellarosa, the creator of this symposium, alongside 10+ other esteemed specialists in the field of the heart!

We're coming together to share knowledge and insights exploring the depths of the heart and basking in the love and support of the Universe itself!

Whether you seek healing in your relationships, seeking more abundance, discovering your true mission on Earth, or desire to bring more heart to your business, this symposium offers connection with the heart's infinite wisdom and to activate your Sacred Heart's true potential!

Click here or click the button below to join the symposium (kicking off Aug. 6th)!

Whether you seek healing in relationships, seeking more abundance, discovering your true mission or passion on Earth, or desire to bring more heart to business, this symposium offers connection with the heart's infinite wisdom and to activate your Sacred Heart's true potential!

Join by August 6th, 2023

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