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  • Vibrational Medicine for Humans and Animals

    If you resonate with one (or all) of these, then you've been guided to do a 1:1 Vibrational Medicine Session for a Powerful Soul Reason(for you and/or your furbaby!)

    Dear One, If You Are Seeking...

    Integration of Unique Ancestral Wisdom for for Deeper Healing

    Connect further with your records to find unhealthy lineage patterns, and how to awaken latent divine magick from within

    Getting to the Root Causes of Health Challenges

    This unique approach illuminates the most root of root causes of ailments rather than merely addressing symptoms

    Spiritual + Emotional Alchemy to Gain Clarity & Space

    Letting go of emotions and other energies that do not serve your Higher Good (and those around you) makes room for the right energies to thrive

    To Get Unstuck to Align More With Who You Truly Are

    DisrUPting unhealthy patterns allows space for Divine Magick to awaken from within

    To Uncover More of the Sacred Geometry of Your Soul

    Align more with your Cosmic Self facilitating deep cellular healing, and unlocking hidden dimensions of your soul

    Ignite Greater

    Health & Vitality

    Facilitate deep healing by balancing minerals from deep within your body to turn on the Innate Healer within you by addressing root causes of dis-ease by looking at the minerals within

    To Find Ancient Nutrition Practices to Nourish Your Body

    Connect with nourishment that is actually right for your unique Earth lineage

    To Find Natural & Beautiful Ways to Help Your Furbaby Heal

    Connect with nutrition and wholesome ways to empower your furbaby to better health & vitality

    Powerful Ways To Upgrade & Change Your Vibration

    When you cleanse, purge, and strengthen your energetic and physical body is how there is a vibrational upgrade

  • ☆.。.:*・°☆.。.:*・

    I’m Natalie Viglione, and my focus is on Sacred Soul Healing from within using the framework of Vibrational Medicine...

    Vibrational Medicine sessions weave together spiritual, emotional, energetic, and physical healing through the tapestry of ancestral wisdom, akashic record exploration, and deep,energetic harmonization.

    My approach marries the age-old wisdom of herbalism withthe transformative powers of spiritual and emotional alchemy via flower essence therapy, intuitive guidance, and the Root Cause Protocol.

    This approach illuminates the most root of root causes ofailments rather than merely addressing symptoms to facilitate Sacred Soul Rebalancing. The 1:1 sessions aim to promote clarity, bring more vitality, and alignment to one’s unique Soul’s Blueprint blending timeless with a more modern lens to healing for both humans and animals.

    After facing serious illness in my late 30s, experiencing chronic fatigue, brain fog, massive lung and sinus infections, significant weight gain in a super short time (and much more), I was able to uncover many reasons why this happened, including mycotoxin illness (black mold poisoning), chronic stress that almost killed me, and so much more! I set out on a journey to reclaim my health, rebuild my strength, and cultivate unconditional love for myself for the very first time. You can learn more by reading more as you scroll...

    Oh, and this is what our energetic/physical bodies really look like 🤩⤵

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  • Please Read This Article to Learn More!

    This Shines a Bright Light on the Root Cause Protocol and How I Meld This With Ancient Healing Wisdom

  • Loving Our Bodies While Healing

    I realized that my early upbringing deprived me of a healthy, organic connection with my body, which adversely affected my health throughout adulthood-- totally out of harmony.

    While I’ve made substantial progress in appreciating my Sacred Human form, I know my journey of awareness and spiritual/physical
    healing is ongoing.

    Waiting for the perfect 'after' image to do things or to "feel joy" does not help to facilitate deep healing, which leads to the vital question: How can we divinely cherish our bodies while we are healing?

    Integration & Embodiment

    Integrating all this healing wisdom has shaped my ultimate purpose, allowing me to serve at new levels as a Vibrational Medicine Guide.

    This includes my Master Herbalist training, my work as a Flower Essence Practitioner under the guidance of Dr. Terry Willard, and my certification as a Root Cause Protocol Consultant through the Root Cause Protocol Institute. I combine this knowledge with the Intuitive Seer aspects of my Cosmic and Earth lineage.

    The insights I have gained over the years empower me to support you and your furry babies (dogs & cats), illuminating the path to reclaim your power, facilitate profound healing at all levels, and confidently step onto your sacred soul’s journey!

  • This is About Upgrading & Changing Your Overall Vibration

  • Sacred Soul Healing Through

    Vibrational Medicine with Natalie Viglione

    We are all connected, and everything communicates. All layers of this planet and the living beings here are connected, and our chakras are way more than just wheels of spinning energy. Chakras are STARGATES connecting into other dimensions that bring light into matter in a MAGNIFICENT way, as well as being our endocrine system that turns on varying aspects of our nervous system (and so much more).

    This is the essence of what I mean when I say "Vibrational Medicine"...

    The truth of what ALL organic living beings are is far more than many can imagine, so let's unlock that MAGICK together!

    At its root, Vibrational Medicine is… “Both the awareness and the application of vibrational energies to improve and maintain health and the many forms and frequencies of vibrational energy that contribute to the multidimensional experience we call life.” ~ my mentor, Dr. Terry Willard

    The unique healing quests and the ongoing empowerment of our Sacred Soul are imperative for us to focus on, for that's where we unlock our innate power!

    Emotional Alchemy, Physical Healing & Spiritual Evolution is how my husband and I together bring Vibrational Medicine to life...

    Call me your Vibrational Medicine Pathfinder & Illuminator...

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    I look at how your body functions, from the minerals within to its energetic aspects and metabolic vitality. I combine primordial healing arts with a more modern-day approach called the Root Cause Protocol. Humans and animals have been severely burdened by environmental toxins, and our Beautiful Earth's soil worldwide is depleted of vital minerals, so we MUST get to the root cause by looking through this modern lens of what's really happening.

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    Clarity, purpose, and Inner Knowing spring to life when your body holds more vitality, and you cultivate the Qi (your vital life force) to the point that allows you to become more and more harmonized in as much as possible within this realm.

  • 𝑴𝒚 𝑫𝒆𝒔𝒊𝒓𝒆 + 𝑰𝒏𝒕𝒆𝒏𝒕𝒊𝒐𝒏


    Allow you to bring in MORE VITALITY, to deepen the awareness of the ever-evolving holistic picture of what's happening within you (DEEP WITHIN), how it relates to your external world, and peer into the blind spots so that you can course-correct to UNLEASH more of your power!


    The most important aspect of this work is this: This work requires you to deprogram from previous belief systems that you've been told to believe, especially around this thing we have called "disease," for we've been fed lies for centuries...

    𝑪𝒆𝒓𝒕𝒊𝒇𝒊𝒄𝒂𝒕𝒊𝒐𝒏 &𝑻𝒓𝒂𝒊𝒏𝒊𝒏𝒈

    Root Cause Protocol Institute

      • Certified May 2024 as a Certified Root Cause Protocol Mineral Consultant

    Wild Rose College of Herbal Medicine with Mentor & Founder Dr. Terry Willard

      • Master Herbalist Under Apprenticeship: Learning Ancient European Healing Medicine, Ayurvedic Medicine, First Nation Tribes' Medicine, and Chinese Medicine
      • Certified Flower Essence Alchemist
  • The wisdom of the ancients whisper into my Being of how we can heal...

    For me, it's a transformative healing process that pushed me head-first into the deep and dark abyss where mainstream narratives don't hang out, and that is an ever-unfolding journey of profound healing.

    Like you, I have also had to deprogram from the lies as to what the medical mainstream calls "medicine" for humans and our little furbabies. Uncovering the deceit and lies regarding true healing is how TRUTH WILL SET US ALL FREE!


    ⭐️The Hidden Truths of HOW We Heal Must Be Whispered Once Again for All to Hear⭐️

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    Hi! I'm Natalie...

    I was born a preemie, and that birth has been a huge learning lesson: I was a preemie because my father was injured in Vietnam, like many others, massively wounded by a chemical called "agent orange," it's not something people like talking about, but it's very real.

    Many firstborns of those who returned from Vietnam have suffered from physical injuries, premature births, horrible deformations, later in life illnesses that come from what seems nowhere, and so much more. There's a lot more to this story... (I reveal some of that here in this interview).

    I was born hypersensitive and am a Precognitive-Empath and so this opened up ways for me to see into the Beyond.

    After experiencing a serious illness in my late 30s and gaining significant weight as a result, as mentioned above, I embarked on a quest to reclaim my health, rebuild my strength, and build (for the first time ever) unconditional love for mySelf. I recognize that I lacked a healthy and organic bond with my body in my early upbringing and took that into my adulthood, and this was a HUGE detriment to my health. Stress and lack of love for ourselves can equate to much suffering in our bodies and in our lives... but there is a path forward to get up and out and onto a new trajectory!

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    Using Innate Gifts

    I was born a preemie arriving 2 months early, in fact, I was born within the 7th month of the pregnancy, on the 7th day in the 7th month, and in a year that numerologically was a 7. So, I was born within a 7777 magickal snowflake moment!

    Since I was little, I've had the power of intuition and empathic-psychic abilities and I've felt a powerful connection to animals and all of Nature. I've used these abilities to steer my life into far-reaching places while checking off those goals (which is a modern-day word for the Universal Concept of Manifestation).

    This included moving 3,000 miles away to find my twin ray soul in this incarnation! We are now married and creating a beautiful path together as we support each other in powerful evolution.

    We all have catalysts that awaken our soul's power, and in the disrUPtions, that's where we can find the medicine... (they take us UP and out of being in a stuck place).

  • Tarah Long Life Coaching

    What Tarah Has To Say...

    "It was great! Natalie is a thoughtful and intuitive listener and guide. I felt held and seen and so grateful for the insights and presence she offers. I feel confident in deeper healing and very supported with Natalie's knowledge (both intuitive and intellectual). Thank you Natalie!"

    — Tarah Long

    Natural Law Teacher, Acupuncturist and Life Coach

    Laura Maven Star Divine Feminine Mastery

    What Laura Hosford Has To Say...

    "I am so grateful for Natalie's clear guidance in helping me to regain my health and energy. After several years of trying various programs, supplements, changing my diet and working with various healthcare providers I never reached my health goals and they always seem to fall short. With Natalie's expertise she has given me a new health plan that is simple to follow and many positive results of increased energy, better sleep, reduced stress and overall feeling of wellness!

    I feel confident again that I can achieve all of my health goals with Natalie's guidance. I highly recommend working with Natalie for your Sacred Soul Health goals. You won't be disappointed!"

    — Laura Hosford

    (aka Laura Maven Star)

  • Ready to dive into a 1:1 together?

    See options for sessions above. These are 1:1 (not group) sessions and are always recorded with replays provided along with a cohesive post-session write-up that will track recommendations, as this is always done in a phased approach.

  • Becoming the Vulnerable, Transparent + Genuine Self

    There were two times in my life when I shut down my powers to try to "fit in" and do what everyone else was doing, and those times were significantly challenging for me. In fact, the hardest times in my life to date, SO NEVER have I shut down my Higher Self and Spiritual Team again...

    Connecting the dots is the foundation of strategy and being visionaries of our own lives. Now, I want to help others do this same thing, providing a framework and ways to unlock YOUR OWN Innate Wisdom by increasing the vibrational frequency of your entire Being!

    Our transformative journeys toward healing commence with a profound decision to alter every facet of our existence...


    My sessions are priced affordably, not because the value I provide is lacking or because I lack expertise. Rather, they are accessible because I had to invest thousands and thousands of dollars in my own healing journey without achieving any of the desired results, and many "programs" or consultations were massively expensive and sent me home with truckloads of supplements. Simplified is the correct path, not taking 1000's of supplements!

    I learned that integrity begins with what we ask others to do in order to work together. I want to spare others from experiencing the same frustration I had. Healing must be affordable, and my goal is to serve as many humans (and animals) as possible through this practice over the rest of my lifetime.

    This commitment is not driven by greed; rather, I believe that increasing access to affordable healing will contribute to a more rapid collective healing process in our world.

    I am dedicated to true service and honor both myself and others. Therefore, the investments I ask you to make for your health or that of your beloved pets are rooted in the principles of Sacred Economics.

    Important note: If you find these prices are still difficult, as I realize "affordable" doesn't mean the same thing to everyone, please set up a discovery chat (you'll see below) and we can discuss.

  • Vibrational Medicine Guidance Session Options

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    90-Minute 1st Sacred Soul Healing Through Vibrational Medicine Session

    One (1) 90-Min Session (No Tests)


    All first sessions are 90-Minutes long. Full post-session write up included. Recorded with replay. Includes thorough 2-3 hours of extra research & records reading to support.

    This option doesn't included tests. All 1st sessions are 90-minutes. If you've already had a 1st session, you will be provided a code for a 10% discount when longer follow-up sessions are needed vs the typical 1-hour follow up sessions.


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    Get Vital Bloods & Hair Mineral Test Evaluation with a 90-min Full Session


    One (1) 90-Min Session with Test Evaluation


    Hair Mineral Tests & Full Monty Blood Tests are evaluated with recommendations and post-session write up included. Recorded with replay. Includes 5-7 hours of extra research/records readings & test analysis to support.

    Does not include the test costs, see the FAQ below for details.

    No less than 7 days advance time will be needed to evaluate your tests before our session. Please set up a Discovery Chat regarding the tests that can be evaluated if you need more info.

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    Continue to Hit Your Healing Target




    One (1) Hour

    Follow-Up Session


    Per person/per session with ongoing follow up tracking and assessments included. Recorded with replay.

    All follow up sessions are one hour. If there will be more time needed, please choose the 90-minute session option.

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    Vibrational Medicine for Your Furbaby

    One (1) 90-Minute Session (No Tests)


    All first sessions are 90-Minutes. Full post-session write up included. Recorded with replay. Includes 2-3 hours of extra research for the write up provided to support.

    For 1 furbaby at a time. Just like I do with humans, we will address all the vibrational layers.

  • How a 1st Session is Facilitated


    Fill out the questionnaire and set the intention.


    The first sessions are always 90-Minutes and test data can be evaluated or not. After the first session, we set up the follow up sessions according to the unique plan we design for you.


    We create a Safe & Sacred Space within our medicine container together to review pre-session akashic records learnings.


    There is a Sacred Soul Scan from "in womb" to birth and beyond we will dig into emotions, events, stresses, and so much more. Becoming soft and 100% vulnerable is key so that we can unlock the depths of what has been hidden that we must see together.


    After the first session,we co-create the "what's next" and phased-approach to ensure the body doesn't get stressed. You receive a replay and thorough analysis/report for any type of session that is tracked ongoing in follow ups.

  • Upgrade Your Vibrational Levels + Layers

    Sometimes, we need guidance and a facilitator to help us peer into the places where there are potential blockages we can't see clearly. As an empath, my work is designed to allow for more open discussions and help uncover pathways available.

    Emotions are powerful and part of our unique magick, but we only ignite our full power when we are clear on where we are blocked and where we need to let things go so the energy can flow again. When we look at our bodies energetically and physically, they are a flowing river of consciousness and energy.

  • Pillars of What We Can Explore Together

    Upgrading Your Vibration Changes EVERYTHING and We Do That From the Inside Out (NOT the Outside-In)

    Chronic Fatigue, Exhaustion, Depletion

    Do you want more energy? Are you not feeling very well and feeling overall energetically depleted? If so, we can get to the root of WHY.

    Your Furbaby Isn't Feeling Well, Maybe Got a "Diagnosis" and You Want a Natural Healing Path

    We will connect into what's going on with your dog(s) or cat(s) looking at nutrition and herbs, etc. to assist their natural healing process.

    Feeling Blocked / Lacking Clarity

    Emotionally blocked and unsure how to gain clarity on "why you're here." We can uncover pathways to help cleanse and unblock energy.

    Spiritual & Other Energetic Blockages or Needing Protection

    A fresh look at the blockages around healing-- often, there are spiritual/emotional factors that haven't been looked at or physical areas to uncover.

    Fresh Perspective on Strengthening, Cleansing, Detoxing

    Pathways for healing using herbal magick and other natural healing resources that are outside your current healing circle (a FRESH perspective on what else there could be to help assist you)

    Weight Issues

    Inability to lose *or gain* weight but doing "all the good things" you know to do but unsure of what's going on.

    Let's Unlock ANCIENT & Ancestral Nutrition Pathways for Healing

    Do you feel like you need a better nutrition plan? Are you eating uniquely for your Earth lineage? Explore what I call Ancient Lineage Nutrition, which addresses what you take into your body daily.

    Ending Menstruation Too Early, In Menopause, Irregular Cycles or Painful Cycles

    Ending our cycles early, going into menopause early (or on time), or having irregular or painful cycles has a root cause... we can unlock the WHY around what's going on to assist.

  • Ready to Swim Into the Vibrations Together?

    See the options for a session. These 1:1 sessions, and always recorded with replays provided, plus a very cohesive post-session write-up is sent to track recommendations as this is a phased approach, and ongoing additions are tracked.

  • Book a FREE 15-minute discovery chat

    We'll see if our vibrations match! Click the button below to set it up.

  • FAQs