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Year of the Snake 2025: Energy of the Emerald Wood Snake [Shifting from the Emerald Wood Dragon of 2024]

By: Natalie Viglione

Welcome to 2025, the Year of the Emerald Wood Snake!

Join me, Natalie Viglione, as I explore the transformative and healing energies of 2025. Transitioning from the bold Emerald Wood Dragon of 2024, this year invites us to embrace the Snake’s introspective, feminine flow.

I’ll share insights from meditations and reflections on the serpent’s dual symbolism—Divine Feminine healing and its misunderstood connotations. Plus, we’ll look at how aligning with natural cycles can help us disrupt, heal, and grow.

Let’s navigate this powerful year together!

Other videos to watch that are connected:



Welcome to 2025 (a Gregorian calendar New Year but since this is sadly what most of the world uses, I’ll have to go along with it) so, happy 2025 is in order! However, for many of us who feel more and more of the inorganic time aspects falling away, we know that this “Gregorian” approach feels unnatural. This could be called Real Time vs. false time. We can find many ancient cultures from all around the world that followed a 13-month construct with 28 days each. Mayan culture, Egyptians, Polynesians, many Native American tribes (and others around our world) use or used a13-month, 28-day system, which is one aspect of many that can relate us back into more ‘organic time’ aspects.

Let’s tap into the energies of 2025 and discuss the Chinese New Year – interestingly, this calendar system is known as a lunisolar, meaning it is based on the movements of both the moon and the sun and reflects the more ancient Chinese understanding of time as a balance between 阴 (Yīn) and 阳 (Yáng), as complementary forces. The Chinese New Year then is January 29, and it marks the beginning of the Year of the Wood Snake, which lasts until February 16, 2026.

The energies are shifting from the Emerald Wood Dragon of 2024, and the power that was underlying the Emerald Wood Dragon throughout the year of 2024 was a year of aligning with the real and genuine Dragon essence (or consciousness) that is actually rising in our realm once again. The Dragon mainly contains Earth as an energetic force, and so the year of 2024 brought in energies of Earth, Water and Wood, and the Wood aspect of 2024 helped the Fire to burn!

2024 brought forth energies of courage, strength, a call for Inner Union, massive transformation, and I would say the overarching theme for many of us tapping into the organic energies rising was about FORGING; forging through fire! The Great and Sacred Fire of Transformation, is, when I see through the looking glass of the one known as Brigid (goddess Brigid, known as the goddess of the forge, among other things), and in this context, “the forge” symbolizes transformation, creation, and the mastery of craft. 

Many of us crafted and forged much through the massive transformations held within 2024… for example, I somehow made it through continuing my Master Herbalism mentorship (which is years and years to get all the aspects “learned” and then it’ll take the rest of this lifetime to soak in!), but also got certified as a Root Cause Protocol Consultant, while running my missions (which many call businesses, and yes, more than one!). My family and I moved, and my husband and I are building out our Sanctuary on beautiful land and building a home, we had many shifts with our little furbabies—yikes! It was a year that will go down in the books with the word “WHEW” being the overarching theme.

Sometimes, I do wonder how there is so much ability to FORGE, but then when we think about it, it’s when we tap into Infinite Wisdom, it brings about support that can sometimes be powerfully shocking. But it also takes much healing work to know how to bring in the right things to the body to sustain this Forging of Fire (more on that another time).

We are soon going to be moving into the Year of the Emerald Wood Snake (or you could say green snake, but when I envision this Snake, I see EMERALD).

The Serpent Symbolism: Rebirthing Through Divine Feminine Energies

I did a storytelling event (one could say boring words like webinar or masterclass, but I say storytelling event) about the Divine Feminine energies and so much of that is beautiful to bring in now.


The serpent, or snake, has many layers with literal shedding as part of the innate and natural process. The Serpent is transformational life force rebirth energies. In a way, we can think of this as moving from “FORGING” (or action) and into a “FLOW,” or we could break this down by looking at “Divine Feminine” energies. (My husband and I have some exciting things coming about a Forge and Flow Sanctum, and I can’t wait to share more!)

It’s vital to remind ourselves that Divine Feminine does not mean female. The Masculine and Feminine Sacred Energies are not attached to male or female, they are energies that must be harmonized both within the very Sacred Lands of Earth and Her Energy Body, inasmuch as they must be harmonized WITHIN US ALL. That is the Energy of the Inner Sacred Union, or heiros gamos that must take place for vibrational layers to vibrate and higher and higher waves of conscious light energy (that is really what 5th dimensional energies mean, higher waves of conscious light energy signatures).

So, we are moving from more ‘action’ into more ‘flow’ and if we feel into that for a moment, we’ll find that the energies come in with a softer approach.


In Chinese practices this is Yin. Yin is a more delicate, flowing energy. Since you’re watching this video, I know you felt this as well, last year was breaking us OPEN on all layers and levels. June of last year and the timeframe around that was of powerful grief coming through from eons of watching humanity and all of the organic beauty of this realm being squashed more and more, and knowing the time of reclaiming is here once again. Breaking OPEN. Breaking UP. There will be more of this “breaking UP and out” to come, but the organic energies of this past year were absolutely powerful in this way (when I say this “past year” I am speaking of 2024 to note).

It was a powerful time to break open Earth as well. Breaking down more and more of the vile false lies and manipulations, and we will continue to see more and more and more of this to come. This Being we call Earth is being liberated JUST AS WE ARE.


The Serpent or Snake energy in its organic form relates to the concept of regeneration, the underworld, and healing powers and spirituality. Snakes are graceful creatures who shed their skin when they have outgrown it. 

It is NOT a coincidence that the biggest villain in the Bible was made to be a snake, because to justify invasions and massacres of the humans who lived close to the Earth and in Oneness (where there was harmony through the magick of what a balanced realm feels like, when the Union of the Sacred Feminine and Masculine exist), the snake had to be painted as a symbol of the “ultimate evil.”

As we watch this “anti-unity” framework, that has often been labeled as the “patriarchal system” (you could say even the ‘anti-christ’ energies if one must use religious words), and at the core is a “divide and conquer” war strategy, and we will watch how war, aggression, ego and materialism is going to break down more and more as we enter 2025 and fly further into what we perceive as the “future” (but many of us know there is only an Eternal Now, moments happening simultaneously).

The snake in former (primordial) representations were of the Divine Feminine, and also a powerful healing symbol. Throughout time, the Serpent has been closely associated with shamanic energies (which just means ‘healing energies’ at the core), and one can see this all over the world. For example, the Inca shaman calls on this primal feminine energy to assist with healing and transformation.

2025 will be one where the Divine Feminine rises further and will be a very important (and critical time) for HEALING. For you see, the Earth and humans/animals, etc. are connected as One, so healing will be required on many vibrational layers. I have some important details coming out about healing ourselves and preventative measures that must be taken to bring more vital life force into the body (and for our furbabies, too)!

You can see more here about 1:1 sessions that I provide that meld many aspects:

We will begin to see that we can, in fact, increase or be enlivened. That’s a great word, enliven! I feel that this is one word that can lead in 2025, should be in touch with the organic energies.

Enliven /ĕn-lī′vən/: To give spirit or vivacity to

There is much plasmic energies coming in can enhance the energy already within us, that’s why I do Vibrational Medicine work, because anyone that feels all the organic energies rising know that there is a critical importance to upgrade our vibrations so that we are mirroring Earth as the Mother Earth is bringing more and more upgrading vibrations through and into the new octave (out of 3rd density and into 4th density and pulling from 5th dimensional and higher conscious waves of light).

The Divine Feminine energy is going to bring more and more into our Sacred Hearts and as I have seen in visions, this energy continues to heal the Sacred Lands and this is happening DEEP in the Earth, cleansing from the inside out. This is EXACTLY what we must do as well to match vibrations. When we are not doing the correct cleansing and purging activities, we will see many get sick (but more on that another time).

Yin Energy and the Emerald Wood Meanings of the Year of the Snake

In the Chinese framework of Feng Shui, the time cycle from 2024-2043 is in what is called a Period 9 and is a time of Li (离) – Fire. This cycle is dominated by the fire element, symbolizing transformation and change, and given the Emerald Wood Dragon energies of 2024, this was seen on every level, and so we can begin to formalize the awareness that there will be many years to come serving the forge energy of great change – this is what I call disrUPting the status quo, because the status quo of what is in the now MUST BE RIPPED DOWN, and a rebirthing of transformation.

We Must Shed the Skin of What No Longer Serves…

We must individually SHED all that does not vibrate with the Higher Good of All, and then do the same collectively.

There will be great power in having strategy and having patience within strategy, while realizing that even with strategy there is an underpinning of flow (aka intuition). By focusing in and melding the yin energy, which is calm, subtle, and introspective while fostering quiet strength, making subtle adjustments, doing careful planning, the ask is in making it a year to focus on refining what you forged last year. Many of us forged SO MUCH in 2024 and now it is about refining that into hyper focus, rather than overhauling as the energy of the Dragon of 2024 was an energy of “overhauling,” for example.

Wood energy is of strength, and growth, blending or melding with a deeper connection to nature and Inner Wellness. Wood energy mixed with the Yin or Divine Feminine, is also about flowing, so we could say flowing in strength. The strength in the year, from my lens, is mixing with an undercurrent that is going to be about rebelling against the status quo as well given to stand in the readiness to challenge the status quo, we must find courage in our Sacred Hearts.

The green color melded with the Yin-Wood Snake energy also assists on a greater level as the Green Ray is connected to our hearts, to the Sacred Heart, and it’s where renewal, revival, growth, and love. When we mix together all of these aspects, we feel that there is a huge offering and potential to heal through regeneration both on an individual level as well as collective conscious energies.

For those of us holding missions (aka running our businesses) we must ground ourselves firmly in the principles and strengths, while we extend our reach into uncharted territory given there is a fine line to balance when we hyperfocus and remain open for flow.

As the solar light comes more and more into our realm intensifying this great shift and evolution, it will assist as an “incineration of the old” getting rid of dead energy, and this stagnant, no longer needed kind of energy is going to require much more of the “letting go” and looking at letting go identities we held onto that are not us any longer, and dropping the layers that need to be burned by fire so that there is space and clarity for new aspects to grow and rise.

The Other Side of “Snake” and the Things to Watch Out For

Of course, when we think of snakes, we can also think of a more inverted form of snake. The ones that are negative inversions of the meaning of the Serpent and look to those that belong to what we could call a “brotherhood of snakes” and the meaning of snakes in this context are the vile ones who cast “evil magick” or some people say “black magick” out into this world.

There are many that pose as ‘saviors’ but act directly against all forms of Divine Human virtues like integrity, truth, humility…

Many of us who hold the codes of the true Christos or Unity Consciousness (as we are carrying on missions of other timelines), we will see more of the vile ones trying to inflict the same wounds of a “time before.”


The reharmonizing of this world is ultimately about the Guardians of the Unity (or Christos/Christ) Consciousness who are here to assist in bringing in the Original and Organic Blueprint of the Core (or sometimes called Heavenly) Realms. It’s going to be very visceral when we see the anti-human hijackers trying to continually force their vile plans on this world. This is why we see a oil-water type of separation between those of us who carry codes to bring into place the “organic and living creation” versus the machines/anti-Unity (which is what an ‘anti-Christ even means, they’re vying for a world withOUT UNITY).

As we know, there are MASSIVE astrological shifts happening, and it’s the dawn of a new humanity that is rising from the ashes of what is falling away right before our eyes both within and with-out. We must be swift like a serpent to strike down the falsities so that we can help carve out more space for the organic energies to thrive once again.

I’d like to call out two videos that I created that blend perfectly with this overall concept:

May we reclaim our True Sovereignty through the Energies of Liberation, through the codes of the Sun and the reconnection to the Seven Suns (of which I’ll touch on in other content soon), remembering the Divine in Humans that we are once again. Let us feel into the truth that 2025 can be an empowering year driven by having hyper focused energy, while we stay in flow, build strength through courage, and open our Hearts to all that is possible in this time and beyond seeing the liars and manipulators for who they are and building anew anyway…

Please share this content with like-hearted Sacred Souls so that we all can awaken the Organic and Original Divine Magick together once again!