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Waking Up With Congested Nose: Try These Natural Healing Remedies

By: Natalie Viglione

Waking up with congested nose? Feel like your sinuses aren't happy? Try these natural healing remedies to move through all the detoxing symptoms that come with "the sniffles."

Sinuses and congested noses can be a big problem as we move from one season to another. And there are few things that are more frustrating than waking up with a congested nose. You’re groggy, can’t breathe properly, and the sniffles set in. As the seasons change, our sinuses can often take a hit, leaving us feeling stuffy, irritable, and out of balance. But instead of reaching for over-the-counter medications, there are beautiful and easy natural remedies that works with your body’s own healing abilities!

Here’s a simple, effective, and soothing approach to help you move through nasal congestion faster and start your day feeling refreshed.

Understanding Sinus Congestion

Sinus congestion often occurs when the mucous membranes in your nasal passages become inflamed. This can be triggered by seasonal allergies, colds, or even dry indoor air. As the weather changes, our bodies must adjust to fluctuating temperatures, humidity, and airborne irritants, making our sinuses more vulnerable. There are natural ways to support your sinuses, reduce inflammation, and restore balance.

A Natural Healing Remedy for Congestion Relief

This natural remedy combines the power of steam, essential oils, and hydration to soothe your nasal passages and encourage sinus drainage. Follow these steps to breathe easier and feel better naturally:

Step 1: Steam Inhalation with 100% Pure Gum Spirits of Turpentine

Steam inhalation is one of the most effective ways to open up congested sinuses. The warm vapor helps loosen mucus, while essential oils provide antibacterial and anti-inflammatory benefits.

Want to know a HIDDEN recipe for health?! Distilled sap from the spruce pine tree and only the Spruce Pine Tree, has AMAZING healing aspects! This is different from pine needle tree or pine oil, and what you are looking for is "100% PURE GUM SPIRITS OF TURPENTINE."

This 100% Pure Gum Spirits of Turpentine is the RIGHT kind of turpentine that I'm speaking to. One of the mentors I've been learning from, Dr. Andrew Kaufman, offered this up in a practitioner training session he had (and he had learned this from a holistic doctor that wrote much about the healing and detoxing affects of turpentine a long time ago).

In fact, there's a hidden paper from the 1800s that has been found that has over 70+ benefits of using Pure Gum Spirits of Turpentine! But, in the meantime, just know that this is NOT the turpentine you buy at the local hardware store, so don't go buy that.

This is a sample of where to grab the 100% Pure Gum Spirits (this is from Dr. Tom Cowan): you can check it out here.

What is it exactly?

Turpentine (or 100% Pure Gum Spirits) is a wondrous distillate drawn from the sacred Spruce Pine resin, and has served as a medicinal ally throughout the ages. Among its myriad of virtues, it has the remarkable ability to dissolve stubborn waste that accumulates within our very tissues. When we take turpentine in specific ways, use as a steam in an inhale capacity, or use it topically, it can get into our tissues and organs to loosen and dissolve accumulated toxins.

What You’ll Need:

  • Boiled water 
  • Fresh garlic (one bulb is fine)
  • A towel
  • Dropper for the turpentine (100% PURE GUM SPIRITS OF TURPENTINE)

How to Do It:

  1. Boil water and pour it into a large bowl (or keep it in the same pot)
  2. Add fresh garlic 
  3. Add 6-10 drops of turpentine (100% PURE GUM SPIRITS OF TURPENTINE) 
  4. Place a towel over your head, lean over the bowl/pot, and create a tent with the towel to trap the steam.
  5. Breathe deeply through your nose for 5-10 minutes as you can tolerate as it gets steamy! 

This practice not only clears your nasal passages but also provides relief for anything going on respiratory-wise.

Step 2: Stay Hydrated

When the body is detoxing and needing to be supported during transitions of damp/dry, the body needs extra fluids to thin mucus and keep it moving into the right places throughout the body. Dehydration can worsen sinus pressure and prolong the sniffles.

What to Drink: The KIND of water you take in is more than vital. Don't drink water from plastic bottles, the tap (unless you have safe well water), and think about structured water and remineralizing your water. The right water is critical for both humans and our furbabies!

  • Purified water that is also structured is what we need. The next steps are to add minerals back into the water, here are some links below to explore. Note that if you do add trace minerals to your furbabies' water, make sure that you give them just ONE drop as they're much more sensitive. 
    • Add Trace Minerals to Purified Water (when you give your furbabies this   
    • You can even structure your water to really get nutrient-filled water into that body, read more here
    • This is the water system we have had for years, perhaps you'll like it too: 
  • Once you have your foundational water add lemon and honey as this is a soothing, immune-boosting option.
  • Herbal teas like chamomile or ginger: These reduce inflammation and promote relaxation.
  • Grass Fed Bone Broth: Rich in nutrients and hydrating.

Step 3: Nasal Irrigation

Using a saline rinse, such as a neti pot or saline spray, helps flush out allergens, bacteria, and excess mucus from your nasal passages. 

How to Use a Neti Pot Safely:

  1. Mix a saline solution using sterile, distilled, or previously boiled water and a pinch of salt.
  2. Tilt your head slightly to one side over a sink.
  3. Pour the saline solution into one nostril and allow it to flow out of the other nostril.
  4. Repeat on the other side.

This practice may feel a bit like you got hit by a big wave in the ocean and drank too much sea water, but it provides quick relief and supports sinus health over time.

Step 4: Use Warm Compresses

If you’re feeling sinus pressure along with congestion, applying a warm compress to your face can help reduce swelling and improve circulation in the sinus area.

How to Do It:

  • Soak a clean washcloth in warmer water (enough to feel the heat) and place it over your sinuses (bridge of your nose, cheeks, or forehead). 
  • Leave it on for 5-10 minutes.
  • Repeat as needed for relief.


The next time you wake up with a congested nose or feel like you've got what has been coined "a cold" know that this is your body needing a detox and a bit of a reset. Resist the urge to overmedicate with synthetic drugs, because even though it seems faster, the longer term affects of many things like Sudafed have drastic implications on the liver and other organs/systems, as an example.

Breathe deeply, stay hydrated, and embrace the power of nature’s remedies. Your sinuses will thank you!