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Unveiling Cosmic Truths: Unlocking Ancient Egypt's Mysteries of Twin Flames, the Nile River, and Cosmic Mother Energy [Part 2]

By: Natalie Viglione

Dive into the mystical secrets of the Nile River and the Sacred Lands once known as Khemit as we unlock the primordial truths, cosmic alignments, and the concept of Twin Flames, the Cosmic Mother, and how this relates to the Nile River (and more).

Plus, we’ll discover how the organic planetary grid intertwines with ancient mythology, the cosmic mother, and the principles of Ma'at, which is a word that means “order" or "Double Harmony" as we'll explore together...

Learn how these universal energies contribute to the reclamation of Original Creation of HUmanity and the true organic planetary grid coming back “online” to lift and eradicate the false matrix from this realm, once and for all (and for the GOOD of ALL in ALL timelines)!



Let’s delve into a captivating journey as we explore the Nile River, the lifeblood of Ancient Egypt (though we’ll uncover further the truth of what that region organically and originally was really called), and its profound significance as related to the Cosmic Mother, a vital figure in ancient mythology. From the rich agricultural lands along the Nile to the far deeper insights into the organic planetary grid of that region and the secrets that it truly holds...

Some may wonder what this sort of content has to do with the Sacred Mission that I do and how I assist, and here’s how that works: As an Oracle of Original Creation and a Primordial Story Keeper (my name, Natalie, even means ORIGIN!), as I uncover these deep truths and share them, this can help others to awaken their memories lying dormant within, and or can validate. Sometimes we need to hear others speak of what we know Inside Ourselves, it’s not that we seek to be told, we seek to be seen, heard, and to not feel crazy in this inverted, upside-down realm with the vile hijackers very clearly still making life difficult. (For example, until the entire corrupt government systems fall in the old ways, suffering is still at large for animals, plants, Sacred Lands, humanity, etc.). I also utilize the gift of being a Seer in Vibrational Medicine work, and in the “marketing” (I say magick) when I work with others that are bringing their true work into the light... so it all weaves together in a glorious picture of what this has to do with how I came to serve this realm in this time. Also, books... those are on their way in their due time!

I released a Part 1 to this called Unveiling Cosmic Truths: The Sirius Gateway & Ancient Galactic Alignments, and within part one, we explored the deeper, often overlooked cosmic and galactic alignments occurring between July and August, challenging the mainstream concepts of the 'Lions Gate Portal.' We also looked at the origins of terms like 'Egypt' and explore the hidden meanings of celestial events, the Sirius system, and hidden cosmological truths.

In this Part 2 of unveiling cosmic truths as connected to the region we now call Egypt, we’re going to look at the Nile in a far deeper context and what that region truly means, the planetary energetic grid (the organic one), and how the Cosmic Mother energy is weaved through the Sacred Lands. A always, we’re going to connect back into Primordial Truths that were hidden.

OK, let’s dive into those Sacred Waters of the Nile...

The Sacred Nile Water and the region that surrounds those waters hold significant spiritual and cultural importance. In fact, it’s revered as the Sacred Waters of the “Father of Life” and the “Mother of All.” And this river was once known and connected into the goddess named Ma’at, as well as linked to the allegorical story of Isis and Osiris.

The Nile is life-giving, and as I mentioned in Part 1, every year along with the powerful galactic event of the rising of the Sirius Gateway, the Nile also rises. This time is known as the heliacal rising of Sirius and it doesn’t really matter what hemisphere one lives on, as it’s a time that the ancient ones knew and tracked and followed for profound reasons beyond what has been deemed the ‘lions gate portal.’

The Sirius Gateway and codes that come into our realm for spiritual development (spiraling consciousness) is connected to the Nile rising on purpose, as was intended in Organic and Original Creation. This, of course, is no coincidence. There are NO coincidences, just the illusion of coincidences (one of my favorite quotes from V for Vendetta).

Ancient Egypt or Does it Have Another Name?

In Part 1, I went into detail about the truth that Egypt isn’t really the name, or at least was NOT the Original and Organic name of that region. I’ll share a bit about that (but please do watch Part 1 for more insights).

The word “Egypt” isn’t the word that was actually used for that entire country or region—that larger region was always known in a before time as Khemit (or also spelled Khemet or Kemet). Khemit held highly advanced wisdom of astronomy/cosmology, mathematics and what we call “science” (though I would say Cosmic Technology that we mistake for magick).


I say “before time” as Khemit connects into time when that region was not corrupted by forces that began to destroy the natural elements of those lands, which is a great topic for a future piece. The name Khemit (which is spelled in varying ways) comes from the word for the soil, Kem means black, and the soil is black and this very fertile soil is created from the Nile (said like ‘neel’).


This is known because a man kept the oral traditions of storytelling alive, a teacher from that region named Abd’El Hakim Awyan, points out that Egypt is a word that later came from the root word Het-Ka-Ptah, which essentially means “The Place of the of the Projection of the God Ptah” but only refers to one small area, it did not speak to the entire country.

The ancients and Indigenous humans of those lands referred to the entire region or “country” as KMT, which is spelled many ways – Kemit, Kemet, Al Khem, etc. KMT literally means “The Black Land” and refers to the rich, black, fertile soil deposited by the Nile River making agriculture in that region possible.


Another aspect that Hakim speaks of is that the Nile we know today isn’t the primordial river, but rather there was an older, larger river that once was in existence, and Egyptologist Michael Hoffman in the early 1990s presented this theory as well, and this more ancient river was called the Ur Nil. Water was beyond sacred to the region and the original humans that existed in Khemit.

Near where the Ur Nil, there is an ancient site known as Dahshur in the region of the “ancient river Ur Nil” and in an ancient structure there has been found an inscription inside, and that word is Sneferu.


Often Egyptologists will translate that word as “He of Beauty” but Hakim says otherwise. Khemitologists, of which Hakim called himself, knew it to be a very different translation (and I believe those that were able to keep oral traditions of teaching alive given that’s how true wisdom was passed down), and I know this as this is what the true and real Druids of a primordial time (the lineage in which I connect into) did as well.

Hakim says Sneferu means “Double Harmony” and this is not a name of any human, but a term that actually refers to the SACRED LAND itself. The land brings Double Harmony, and this is one of the most important elements that we’re going to hone in on. As I receive Original Creation Codes on this, what I connect into is the Original and Organic Grid of this planet itself. This grid is the energetic grid which makes this realm come to life, and there was a “before corruption” time, of that I know and was there to witness.

The working hypothesis of those that are truthseekers of Khemitology (vs Egyptology) know of this BEFORE time as well, and Hakim is known as a “Keeper of Keys” as he can turn on energetic sites in the region and is of the blood of the original tribes of that land. What he speaks of is that the Red and Bent Pyramids of this region called Dahshur were built far over 10,000 years ago and they were energetic devices.
Energetic devices—what does that mean? This means that these were ORGANIC structures that once held the ORGANIC and ORIGINAL electromagnetic grid of this planetary being in a very specific way, which we’ll dig into in a moment. Yes, the ORGANIC and TRUE grid is what we’re digging into here BEFORE IT WAS CORRUPTED AND HIJACKED by the otherwordly beings that hijacked our organic Earth-Tara-Gaia Harmonic Universe grid to create their false matrix on top of the original/organic grid. This is the FALSE MATRIX aspect you’ve heard so much about and what that really means.

What Does Double Harmony Mean?

Aha, now we’re getting into some really deep and amazing things!

Double Harmony is speaking to the planetary grid and how it energetically assisted very important aspects to the Organic Creation process of bringing light into matter and creating humans.

Let me explain further. The Ancient Khemit region and culture relied on the principle of Ma’at (said like mah-ott), or order. Ma'at was both the abstract concept of law, morality, and justice, as well as its personification as a goddess. Ma'at, as a divine principle, is about regulating the orderly operation of nature, the cosmos, and the principles of keeping and sustaining balance when it comes to the complementary male and female principles, both in the universe and in human society. Our physical and energetic bodies designed to be male or female (genders) but also is speaking to the sacred masculine and feminine energies. All humans were (and are) created in the eyes of the truly divine as Harmonic Universe Beings.

The energetic devices in this region of Khemit kept order of the male and female principles, which is about the Sacred Masculine and Feminine principles, but as we explore further, we’ll see that it also has to do with Twin Flames.

I did a video called the Magick of Merlin, and in this I speak of a powerful vision and Druidic lineage poem that came through to me when I was standing on Avebury Henge on the most powerful of days in October 2023. Please take a listen to that if you haven’t. In that saying that came from the MerLion and true Celtic-Druid Lineage is that there are Sacred Towers all over this realm that are being “turned back on” again and fixed after being decimated by the vile ones.

These “sacred towers” are organic places in and of the LAND (that is the very land itself and why Land used to be seen as Truly Divine and Sacred) or structures created with what we would call “magick” but really is advanced technology, to work with the Sacred Land.


They’re real, and they were created with a massive importance and critical Divine Intention for the true creation process (not false, not AI, not the BS you see these vile factions trying to recreate today .. yet again, trying and trying to recreate the timelines of destruction over and over and over and...this nonsense is ending but it’s so very challenging regardless).

Dragon Nodes or Mounds and other structures were our ORGANIC GRID, and this organic grid is something that is now returning to us, coming back “online” as many of us are fixing and healing ourselves, etc. This is a vital aspect to know.

In this region in Khemit, Ma’at (order) and Double Harmony are engrained in the stories that become myths, and myths that become legends. You see, before the vile ones hijacked and destroyed many aspects of our organic Harmonic Universe grid, here’s the primordial truths of the planetary grid in the region called Khemit. The organic blueprint of a HUman was this: We are created and we hold gender pairs-- so each individual that is born into creation has a part of themselves in a male body and a female body. This is called a gender twin flame or a genetic equal.

My husband and I are twin flames or genetic equals, and the story of how I found him and how we connected and joined in our Sacred Union 13 years ago (at the time of this recording) is a beautiful one. It required me moving 3,000 miles away from one big city to another... I’ll save that full story for both of us to tell you in our new Forge and Flow Sanctum (at the time of this recording, we’re building it and you can see this link here:

A twin flame was something that created Ma’at, or Order. Balance. For every one there is another so that harmony could continue throughout the realms. This “twin flame” aspect is of the true, natural and organic, not that BS new age crap you’ve probably heard about or weird cults that were created. There's just so much BS to get through to get to the organic and original creation truths, isn’t there?

There are divine spiritual pieces held within each pair. The design is that we advance each other spiritually as we are perfect mirrors to each other and that is how we evolve and advance, so we push the other up, pull the other up, and vice versa. We always are in a “push-pull” and “pull-push” relationship so evolution of Spirit happens quickly (or is meant to). This is what the Planetary Grid in Khemit did. It kept balance in this way.

The genuine twin flame aspects are associated with deities such as Osiris and Isis, Ra and Hathor, etc. And stories often give us truths but it requires us to look past literal and into spiritual. These divine pairs symbolize the union of masculine and feminine energies. In fact, the story of Isis and Osiris is an allegory for the Divine Union of Twin Flames, but also speaks to what happened when the vile faction came in and destroyed this grid and the region, and when the tribes that kept the Khemit lands protected were mostly eradicated, of course, some escaped.


Image from book, Lands of Osiris

The vile ones went after the males first, the Kings (but not the stupid ‘kings’ you see today that are full of deceit, corruption, and lies), but of the true “Kings” that served as Protectors or Guardians (aka the true meaning of the word warrior) and in male form. They were gender equals of the females, so the “Osiris” in the story. And, “Isis” the female Guardians and Protectors, the gender equals of the males, Queens.

The Origin Root Races in the Khemit region had protected the planetary codes and grid that holds this secret knowledge that is also kept underneath the Giza Solar Stargate which is about connecting or bringing together Twin Flames in this realm and is that energetic force of the Land working with the Energetic Structures that brought these things together organically. The Original Creation of this realm is beautiful when we truly can see the codes of it all forming a beautiful mosaic and it’s wonderful to remember and always brings tears to my eyes.

The story of Isis and Osiris is a remembering of the females searching for their gender equals that had their consciousness spread across the astral realm -- the Kings to them as Queens, if we will. I’m going to do a deep dive on this in our new sanctum as there is SO MUCH MORE to share and I can’t wait to get far deeper and more expansive than I can do here on any of these mainstream channels owned by the vile ones in human form.

What we can glean from this is that when the malevolent forces hijacked our realm, they caused genocides and massacres, and inverted or broke the essence or technology of our planet that adjusts aspects of spiritual alignment. This is one such example of the region in which would bring in the correct energetic connection of Twin Ray Souls or Flames. When this stopped working properly, it caused much heartbreak. In fact, many would go into Khemit and into the Nile and along its path into structures to do spiritual rituals that would help reconnect them with their twin flames that had been lost, another aspect of the Isis and Osiris story sharing truths with those that can see and feel truth with their Inner Knowing.

The human light body, or the energetic/subtle bodies as we often call them, are important as this is also about the balancing the inner masculine and feminine energies within the entire structure of our physical nature – that means the entire system of the body from the inside out. What I'm really talking about is the balancing of the inner masculine and feminine energies with the entire structure of our physical nature. And then the twin flames, we could say, because we're working in some different constructs today that is manifesting in the physical.

One of the major aspects to note is that this means the inner male and inner female energies must be balanced, and that’s what happens in warp speed when are united with our true twin flame, which in the now-time doesn’t mean male and female only, but energies can exist otherwise, because what we’re also talking about iss the INNER and SACRED union of energies.


The manifestations are BEYOND magnificent and greatly amplified in spiritual power when we reach a Sacred Union. My husband and I are living through this right now... And, one must recall that the oh-so-sacred of energies we call the masculine and feminine is exactly what this this “inner union” means, this is also called heiros gamos.

I have SO much more on how this all connects into the true and organic/original Holy Trinity and what the sacred energies are about... all upcoming in future expansive deep dives to our members that join our sanctum.

The energetic power of receiving and transmitting frequencies in rhythm with the Sacred Lands of the “before time” was originally part of this experience. Now, what we’re seeing is that it is much harder to find true gender equals, and many are now connecting with them in other timelines or realms. This should not be the case; all SHOULD actually have equals. Isn’t that intriguing to think about? What it has meant is that for far too many thousands of years, this realm has been getting more and more unbalanced, which is why there is such a lack of harmony in all ways.
Everyone was meant to have this type of union, and it’s sad that the sacred and divine creation aspect was tampered with, as that means that many may not get to experience this in the way desired. However, due to this, what it means is that there is more of a lean into the Inner Union of the energies rather than that outer expression. It can mean the power of that will ripple out and that’s a big piece of healing this realm, too. As this happens more and more, the organic true grid can turn “back on” and essentially it is another piece to the huge mending and reclamation mission that many of us are here to do.

One of the BIGGEST things that must be done to begin that is to clear what we call chakras (I say stargates) and most especially the lower sacral and root. This is why I bring Vibrational Medicine to life as this is truly about seeing ALL layers of our multidimensionality, and the true 12-tree grid that lives within us, and our energy layers, what people call chakras, and more. Purging and cleansing the body and energetic fields is imperative. This is the biggest ask.

The Cosmic Mother and Relation to the Nile and Twin Flame Reclamation

I bring this up because this is important for the purpose of the reclamation of Universal Twin Flames aspect and connecting back into what we can call the organic and original God World or Divine Realms, whatever way you want to say it. This already happened, the corrections of the Gender Twin aspect, and I know this because I was there to witness the height of it.


In Albion, or what was also called Camelot, here you see pics from that region – Avebury Henge. It is here that the Blue Dragon Tiamat, or the Logos called Tiamat was resurrected energetically. There was an absorption of a Dragon Egg, and so much more (more to come via storytelling in our Forge & Flow Sanctum).

But it is here that this took place in a powerful way and the lands called to me to be there on a specific day in Oct. 2023.

The portal architecture of the Planetary Grid entered a HUGE milestone in recovering the corrections surrounding the Twin Flame aspect as part of a reclamation of the Emerald Founder Races. These planetary activations that are 100% aligning to the correct placements within timelines of missing twin flames) and also the DNA original creation blueprint of humanity and the inner male and female energies are being corrected. This is why I wanted to share this and then connect it back into the Cosmic Mother. The retrieval of authentic architecture happens through music, and it’s all connected into the Cosmic Mother and hooking back into the ancient lands of Albion (and Camelot), and how this all connects to Egypt...

This is why I wanted to really tap into and share more on Avebury Henge and Camelot, or Albion, because that is actually connected into the Nile river and Khemit, it's all connected, and how this all connects into the Cosmic Mother. So the retrieval of all of this authentic architecture, the energetic grid the organic and original technology happens through sound, vibrations, frequencies, and into the cosmic mother coming back online via these aspects. And what’s happening is hooking back into the ancient lands of Albion- Camelot, and how this connects into Egypt or Khemit:


See that connection? It’s all very amazing!

The Cosmic Mother via the Sovereign Goddess known as Eiru of the Primordial Lands of Eire (or Ireland) and it’s where Ireland got her name! You can watch a video I made about this aspect.


The concept of the “Holy Mother” or the “Mother of All” relates to the story of Isis and why this allegorical story is so vital to dive into and see the truths within it. And, the Mother or Cosmic Mother energies, in this context, is also closely tied to the Nile’s life-giving properties and therein lies the connection to the goddess Isis’s maternal role. These energies tap into the Blue Ray of Creation, which is of the Holy Mother or organic Cosmic Mother Energies. The more ancient river called the Ur Nil were seen as a symbol of the Holy Mother Herself providing nourishment, protection, fertility, and rebirth through cycles, and connected to the Sirius Gateway and system and all of the beauty that holds. In the Part 1 to this I dove into this further.

As we discussed, the Primordial Khemitic culture relied on the principle of Ma’at, and was included in a grouping of deities in families or pairs, such as the Asar-Aset-Heru trinity. A part of Ma’at was the complementary male and female principles, both in the universe and in human society.

As you can see the time of the flooding of the Nile each year, the spiritual initiation that the Nile, Ancient Lands of Khemit, our Sun, and Sirius all have far more profound insights that we can tap into and these energies can give us far more meaning to really feel into the Holy Mother aspect of the Nile, of the power of our Sun and Sirius and the spiritual advancement that can be soaked up.

The Alignments of the Nile

The Nile’s three main tributaries – the Atbara, Blue Nile, and White Nile – seem to follow distinct energetic pathways. The Atbara River, originating in Ethiopia, is said to tap into the Earth’s primary energy grid, while the Blue Nile, with its source in Lake Tana, is believed to connect to the secondary grid. The White Nile, originating in Lake Victoria, is thought to resonate with the tertiary grid, which means the last level of frequency control.


There is SO MUCH MORE that I can share, and my Twin Flame and I, Mark, are creating a new way to experience all of this work as noted before, and we’re just getting things rolling (at least at the time of this writing)!

13 years ago, at the time of this writing (which is Sept. 2024), which is the number of the Divine Feminine, I met my twin flame (my gender equal), and we have had a very weaving, winding path to get where we are. We are excited to be creating a new container that is going to be a sanctum that will provide warmth and light, celebration, healing, and opportunities to harmonize the Sacred Energies with-in and with-out. We acknowledge the shared consciousness of Living Creation and the bonding experiences that evolve and grow with comrades. The intention is to assist to LIBERATE the imprisoned Splendor from within you, which will further impact this realm in the most magnificent of ways!

If you want to learn more, follow this link here.