Unlocking the healing power of the far infrared therapy sauna. Let's explore the remarkable advantages of Far Infrared Therapy (commonly referred to as FIR therapy or FIR technology) and the healing potential that the brand Relax Saunas offers us.
Harnessing the power of invisible light waves, this therapy penetrates deep into the body, stimulating various healing processes that can do so much good for the body. It assists in alleviating pain, reducing inflammation, helps with blood circulation, detoxes the body from the inside out, improves overall well-being of our body, and so much more!
Let's dive in, shall we?
“Give me the power to produce fever, and I'll cure all disease”
-Parmenides, 500 BCE
Hippocrates is frequently credited with this saying, but it was actually Parmenides who originated it. Nonetheless, Hippocrates, in his writings, discussed the positive impact of fever on epilepsy and other conditions, reflecting a similar philosophy in his practices.
Parmenides can be considered a "doctor," but he differs significantly from today's "MDs," as allopathic medicine does not rely on natural healing principles and is primarily recognized for its trauma care (for instance, if you were to get into a car accident, we know exactly where to seek help).
Side note on many visions I've had...
I know that ONE day, trauma ER care and assistance (which MDs are taught) and those of us that are trained in the primordial healing wisdom will combine forces all around the world.
In fact, many MDs witnessed the disconnect early on (or have in the past few years more than ever) and have melded their Inner Healer learning how to harness the power of primordial healing practices with their trauma-based learnings of MD certifications. One such amazing doctor who saw it right away and whom I respect is Dr. Tom Cowan, for example.
Many also have learned to let go of the lies and distortions of the indoctrination they received that focuses on big pharma drugs and not looking at ROOT issues to heal and or prevent dis-ease in humans (this goes for vet practices too!).
I see visions all the time, there are exciting times in healing power and primordial wisdom unfolding at a far more rapid pace than ever before! 👏🏻
The journey to acquiring a sauna equipped with Far Infrared (FIR) technology was one of those fortunate experiences where the right information simply came to me, as is always the case. I often find it hard to believe how much the sauna from Relax Saunas has transformed my healing (and my husband Mark's as well), and we absolutely love it!
Let me share some wisdom about it in this article and how it's different than other saunas.
When I embarked on my healing journey after suffering from a range of illnesses, I became a case study for naturopaths and integrative medicine practitioners. This experience took me nearly five years to fully comprehend as no one had any answers, so I realized I needed to take charge of my own healing.
This led me to ignite the Vibrational Medicine practice that I have offered for some time now. I blend my training as a Master Herbalist, Flower Essence Practitioner, and Certified Root Cause Protocol Consultant with my Intuitive-Empathic abilities. The serious illness I faced in my late 30s, experiencing significant weight gain, mycotoxin (mold) illness, and so much more, I set out on a journey to reclaim my health, rebuild my strength, and cultivate unconditional love for myself for the very first time.
The use of a sauna played a crucial role in this journey, as it is an excellent method for detoxifying our bodies. Regular detoxification is essential—more frequently than many realize—and a sauna provides a safe and effective way to achieve this.
I used to visit a local spa frequently, paying for my time in their lovely wooden saunas. As I spent more time there, I could easily sit for an hour, but I noticed that I wasn't sweating as much as I hoped to. Many of these saunas had wireless technology, leading me to question the impact of EMFs within them. Additionally, the cost of each visit began to add up, making it clear that having a sauna at home was essential for detoxification.
Thus, I embarked on a quest to find the right sauna. The more I researched, the more I discovered that large wooden saunas were expensive, bulky, and didn’t effectively stimulate cellular detoxification as I desired (which is why I could remain inside for an hour or more). Many of them also emit wireless signals (i.e., EMF radiation), so while the wood is beautiful and has a lovely scent, my priority was healing, not just a pleasant aroma! Moreover, they were not cost-effective and didn't fit well in many spaces. The drawbacks were piling up.
And as is always the case, I was provided the nugget of wisdom I was seeking. I had Tim James, who owns Chemical Free Body, on my Disrupt Now Podcast and then I was a guest on his podcast (you can see that episode here), and he told me about Relax Saunas.
He shared that he has never experienced such intense sweating in such a short time in his life, even though he owned a stunning, custom-made wooden sauna, which he used regularly for ten years. His passion for it was so strong that he even became an ambassador for a particular brand from Canada to sell it to others.
However, when he discovered the Relax Sauna brand, he instantly fell in love with it, discarded his previous sauna, and immediately ceased selling the other brand. This indicated to me that he had found something that truly HEALS rather than just looks appealing, and that convinced me right away.
Plus, here's an advantage that we all can love; the Relax Saunas are a FRACTION of the cost of a more conventional sauna (approx. $1,500 for a Relax Sauna vs. $10,000 or more for a more conventional sauna), but the fact that it made him sweat so fast told me that whatever tech a Relax Sauna uses, it's far more advanced. This world has it very backwards; just because something is super expensive doesn't mean that it's better. We must look at the VALUE and the underlying truth of what something does or is...
We get what Tim meant...We've owned a sauna from Relax Saunas for more than two years, and it’s truly one of the BEST investments I’ve made for the health and well-being of my family (and I make sure to share this with everyone I can).
Let's explore the technology, which is essential to know, but I also want to share a brief story about the origins of Relax Saunas and the reason I fell in love with their products more than any others available!
Brief Background on Relax Saunas

The team of scientists that created the technology that Relax Saunas uses was information that was downloaded from meditating together. How cool is that?
The Electrical company that makes the Relax Saunas were commissioned by the Japanese government from 1980 to 1985 to create a device that could emit energy similar to the Hot Springs in Southern Japan, where the warriors in ancient days would go after battle to heal. The hot springs had a particular energy that was very healing. The water is heated from far infrared generated by magma deep in the earth. Taiwan is the world leader in producing semiconductor chips, and as it turns out, approximately 94% of the world’s semiconductor chips that are made, are made in Taiwan.
Transforming electricity that would generate this “hot springs” kind of energy was a challenge, and it took Dr. Chang and his team of scientists ten years to create a device that would transform electricity into that particular kind of energy that would have the healing effect that the hot springs in Southern Japan had.
This is the part where this team came together in meditation to help them download information, and sure enough, they found a way to create a semiconductor chip. The purpose of this semiconductor chip is to resonate the frequency of far infrared In the wavelength of 4-14 microns to create the "hot springs" energy. They chose this frequency because the water molecules in the body readily absorb it and do not contain the near-infrared frequencies, which are harsher on the skin.
Far Infrared Technology and the Top Benefits

Wrapping ourselves around fires as the primary heating source is ancient... fires, like the sun, put off infrared rays. As objects absorb heat, they emit infrared, and the human body emits infrared around the 9-micron range (as mentioned above). The use of saunas goes back, and the original native tribes of our lands in the Americas still use sweat lodges for healing. But this has been noted worldwide, including steam rooms and bathhouses, which carry similar ideas. This is primordial human wisdom with massive healing benefits!
Infrared technology: There's near infrared and far infrared. Near-infrared, by definition, does not resonate with human organic cells and the water (aka plasma) in our body.
Near-infrared energy is between 1 and 2 microns, and far infrared is between 4-14 microns. Humans send off a frequency of 9.4 microns, and water sends off a frequency of 8 microns, so 4-14 micron energy resonates with human energy.
Far-infrared saunas emit a specific bandwidth of energy that resonates with the water and organic cells of the body. The pulsating of water molecules causes an increase in core temperature, which mobilizes the lymphatic system.
Most wooden saunas use ceramic heaters much like the small space heaters you can buy for your home, and they heat up the sauna but only emit about 40-60% infrared ray, so you're not getting the full potential.
A study found the Relax Saunas increase oxygenation in muscles by 8.1%, increases cardiac output and heart rate, as well as an increase in respiration. |
"...whole body muscle oxygenation and kcal expended per minute increased 8.1% and 20.1% from baseline, respectively. At the same time, cardiac output (+10.2%), systemic vascular resistance (-13.9%), and heart rate (+12.6%) significantly changed across the measurements periods compared to baseline."
Strength training, running, jogging, walking (or any workout that makes you sweat) is an excellent exercise for improving the function of sweat glands. Then there's Qigong/Taichi, which are some of the most POWERFUL practices to maintain good health and promote the body’s microcirculation.
And guess what? The far infrared ray sauna can help your body achieve the same result in only 10 minutes... crazy, right? Of course, doing all these things is vital to give your body all the goodness you can!
Qigong and Taichi have been some of the most game-changing practices for us and beyond beneficial on many levels, especially moving energy in the body and for magnificent circulation. All of this supports the entire (and complex) metabolism process, keeps the skin young and soft, and helps us combat what many call the "aging process."
Why Are Relax Saunas Better Than Other Saunas?
My body, like yours, is incredibly valuable and crucial to take care of, wouldn't you agree? I'm engaged in building a Sacred Mission—what some may refer to as a "business," but it goes much deeper than that. Alongside my husband, we care for our furry companions while we are taking on the development of our land and sanctuary (having our home built), which can be very overwhelming. It's essential to cultivate a more harmonious way of living and to give our bodies the chance to detox, as we face constant exposure to toxins every day. Embracing self-love in such profound ways is one of the most crucial responsibilities we can undertake!
Here's why this sauna helps you love yourself inside and out.. plus, helps us to use the thing we call time as wisely as we can. Those larger saunas additionally have you wait 20-30 minutes before they heat up, so by the time that takes place, plus the 30-1 hour you're in it, that becomes a daily task that seems less likely to happen.
The saunas from Relax Saunas are easy medicine that we can use daily because it heats up in less than 30 seconds, and makes you sweat in under 30 minutes. In fact, you can't even go over 30 minutes in this sauna as you don't need it (and even after 2 years, 25-28 minutes is my max), so it accomplishes the good stuff in 1/3 or 1/2 the time! It's AMAZING!
Getting the core molecular level of the cells going is what a sauna must do, and the Relax Sauna uses 1500 watts in 2 unique radiators which produce the highest levels of far infrared of any sauna (that is known currently). Far infrared is absorbed by the water in your body which in turn heats you from the inside, creating a fast raise in core temperature.
Another sauna user wanted to find out which sauna would raise his core temperature faster. Using his Apple watch, which can monitor core temperature, he put the Relax Sauna to the test. He discovered a dramatic difference in results between the Relax Sauna and other infrared saunas. Click here to read the article
There are many benefits to raising your core temperature, you activate heat shock proteins, you kill bacteria, you release stored toxins from your fat, you burn calories, you promote circulation and healing. This is a healing tool every home should have, no doubt about that at all!
There are other saunas that look similar to the Relax Saunas, but they aren't made the same so watch out.
Other portable saunas use carbon panels to generate infrared. The "hot plates" use electrical wires and carbon panels to emit infrared. The problem with the ones that don't provide this FIR therapy is that they surround your body in EMF radiation, they do not emit high levels of far infrared, and the frequency of infrared is not as pure as with the ceramic chips of the Relax Saunas.
Check out Relax Saunas for yourself to see what you think.
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