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The “End Times” Ignites the Divine HUman Once Again Through a Galactic Shift

By: Natalie Viglione

In this video we’ll journey into the “End Times”—often seen as a collapse—but rather is the opening of something extraordinary, a doorway to all of the higher truths that have been hidden (on purpose) to keep HUmanity weak. This shift is a spark that reignites the Divine HUman essence once again, reconnecting us all with the Eternal Source that has always lived within.

As we journey deeper, we will explore the ancient codes of wisdom hidden in ancient tracking systems and the root meanings of words… As we shift through the dissolving of outdated paradigms, we are all letting go of what no longer serves ALL OF CREATION, which is allowing space for the emergence of something greater—a higher dimensional existence aligned with love, unity, and truth.

This is not an end; this is the beginning. May we reclaim our True Sovereignty, remembering the divine in Human once again.

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Other videos to watch that are connected:



We’ve seen and heard of the swirling prophecies (many of course are nonsense, and others have been spot on), and there are also a lot of conspiracy truths being uncovered and unveiled from the depths of the underworld. There are always some ridiculous theories thrown in the mix, so Inner Discernment is crucial. Since 2012, there have been much colliding energies clashing with extreme viewpoints, always a swinging of the pendulum in the most extreme of ways. In fact, it was the Winter Solstice and beginning of Yule 2012 which is Dec. 21st, which denoted a Galactic Time of profound shifts for Earth and all of us; humanity, flora, fauna, and all Organic Living Creations.

Let’s review together these shifting and winding “end times” that are and will be commencing for some time, and how is this related to what I call the “Divine HUman” (and I have the emphasis on the HU, which we will explore). Let’s peer into these things together since it has now been 12 years since Dec 21, 2012…

The “end times” isn’t the “end times” as we all know. But it is and has been confusing for many, and then many of us knew innately what it meant. This brings up the 2012 phenomenon, which were a range of beliefs with a big cataclysmic event being at the core of many and that the event would occur on or around the Winter Solstice of December 2012. Many of us of course had realized that it had nothing to do with some cataclysmic event, but rather it was truly an “ending of a time” energetically, but more specifically, an ending of a cycle.

The shift into a different time was a shift in “timelines: technically, and all of us here, Earth included, have been destined for something greater—a reconnection into Organic Source once again. In no way am I an expert on the Mayan culture, however, having researched and having received many visions for quite a while now about returning to Organic Time, what repeatedly comes up is the Mayan long term system of tracking. This system is connected to Galactic Time, which we could call Sidereal Time (Real Time). Real Time is getting back into many aspects of our realm as it connects to other worlds, also called systems and what is going on as related to our Sun (Sol) and our galactic system reconnecting with other systems. This is currently underway and is happening in organic and beautiful ways. The Organic Sun (or Solar) Calendar defines that there are 13 months in truth (months means moons which just means tracking of nights to days, the moon itself holding no significance), and there is the long-term ability to track large shifts and cycles. Of course, this wisdom does break down the current silly calendar that is used worldwide (the Gregorian calendar as it has been called). This calendar took humanity far away from the Living Natural World, and why it was designed by the hijacked dogmatic religion that created it.

What we have had to endure is fake time and this inorganic and has kept us from being able to feel into the truth of the Living Natural World. This ‘Real Time’ aspect is connected to the Organic Solar Calendar and is always accurate even many thousands of years after it was created because it’s the real and organic way of tracking time.

The Druids of the Before that later were called the Celtic-Druids (I am not speaking to the later hijacked and fake versions of what they called “druid”), but rather speaking of the True Lineage as they also used Real Time. The Organic Solar Calendar was called the Eightfold Wheel of the Year. This Wheel of the Year is not associated with any religion but is often attributed to Wicca and that is not the truth. The basis of the Wheel of the Year was purely and solely based on Real Time, which is also called Sidereal Time, or Galactic/Universal Time. I talk about this further in my video called Galactic Secret of “Lions Gate” & The Truths About Our Sun, Sirius & Ancient Khemit.


The Mayans themselves did not predict the end of the world per se; rather, it was marking the end of what they called a baktun and then the beginning of a new cycle. A baktun is 144,000 days. Interesting, don’t you think that it’s 144,000?

We are in the 5th epoch of humanity. I know this to be true for the consciousness that I stream and an angle of light that I can see through has shown the other epochs, or times. This “angle of light” I speak of is known as Goddess Brighid, but it’s more accurate to say Brighid is of a much more Cosmic Lineage, this is the Lioness Lineage, which was called the angle of light Ari-el (Ari means "lion or lioness of God" and El is Elohim, in Hebrew, as an example). This lineage is of fierce guardians of the organic and original Cosmic Mother’s template which was originally on and held within Tara. This lineage has come through in each epoch (even before this world was able to take on living beings), to configure the organic Blue Ray into the Living Grid System of this Planetary Experience.

The Mayan Long Count, or numbering of days include counting a baktun which is 144,000 days (about 394 years), as mentioned above. Twenty (20) baktun would make a piktun which is 2,880,000 days, so this long counting system that was about tracking far larger cycles.

In 2012, it was an ending of the 13th baktun and the beginning of the next one (a baktun again is 144,000 days). In that system, there are 7 more baktun — 7 times 144,000 days, or about 2,760 years — until the end of the current piktun. The intriguing aspect to note is that it was believed that at the end of each piktun (or 2.9 million days) that the world is destroyed then rebirthed. This was ultimately tracking a Universal Cycle.

What we know is that there are epochs of humanity have ended in destruction, and we know this to be true from the many lineages that have held onto this wisdom even with all the burning of far too many ancient scrolls and books that held these truths, and also the genocidal destruction of many Guardians of these teachings (including the original Druids). We can see that this has lived in some ways with the Hopi Prophecy, of which I spoke of at depth in a livestream I did called Purification & Progress: Rising to the Energies of the Higher Consciousness Trajectory We’re On.

So, 2012 was an end but not a destructive end, but a shift and a HUGE one at that. After the great Atlantean cataclysm, the question and planning has been wrapped around, what should be done? The Guardian Races of Beings that assist this Living Being (aka planet) knew that restarting and rebooting each time in these epochs with very few being taken into the next hasn’t been successful. It has required so much more effort and it has gotten to the point where these extreme energies of the lower frequencies (what I call the vile) keep pulling or anchoring down the organic creation cycle too much. So, what many call ascension, is just evolution of Souls through experience, and evolution as we can see has gotten prolonged due to the extremism that ripped a tear in the creation through evolution cycle.

Building of what I have seen as The Great Strategy; bringing and weaving the Divine Consciousness of the Oraphim and Other Masters and Guardian Consciousness and Beings from the Inner or Creator Worlds has been part of this strategy. The energy of “wiping out and starting over” is not going to be what happens this time, but rather a shifting in different ways.

There has been so much planning and many Arcs of Light bringing in truths once again so that this octave shift (or cycle) can be more successful and reconnecting of worlds that were cut off for safety reasons. This time, the cleansing and shifting is happening with Living Creation still on the planetary being; meaning you and I (and all things) are going to be held while there’s a shedding of the old layer to bring through the new density and frequencies for Earth. I see this as a purging of old and unnecessary energies that no longer serve the Greater Whole.

This makes the time right now more intriguing. As many of you feel, all of you streaming consciousness holding codes of these truths, we remember that we are Divine Form in Matter. And Matter is GodSource in a Creation experience. The igniting of energies is fueling many codes in many of us, those of us serving as reminders of our Oneness; essentially, this is what some refer to as “Christ Consciousness”, or we could really say it's a fully attuned human.

It's true that are many unknown energies, because when the shift into a new octave takes place, there is much energetic shifting in the astral body (lightbody) of the Planetary Being, and now this is going to be happening within us and within the animals, etc. It’s a regeneration phase even more so than a “birthing” in many ways as it’s a shedding of old that regenerates this Being that is seemingly “new.” We find ourselves living THROUGH and WITHIN the regeneration phase. It’s why many of us feel that the lowest of low parasitic energies that desire constant de-evolution through massive suffering (we could call this the vile faction that wants to stifle the true organic creation process and try to be their own “god system”), are putting out extremely desperate measures to try to bring as many “down” with them.

Yet, humanity and all of Living Creation is in a “springing up” or a “lifting out” phase, and there are Stargates and reconnections to other systems that will allow these vile energies to be absorbed back into Primeval Source. No longer can any world survive with their hijacking of souls, consciousness, etc. This faction would rather do away with Living Creation Evolution and create some sort of inverted version (as we have seen happening before our very eyes, and this is what this faction and their human puppets call ‘the new world order’).

However, the organic Unity of Christ is an Energy or Vibration of a more Divine Consciousness or the Primeval Creator and the True Trinity of Creation Mother-Father-God. Many of us know and feel that we’re lifting (or can lift) out of this miasma, which means “a poisonous atmosphere formerly thought to rise from swamps and putrid matter and cause diseases.” We do this by reaching cleansing and purging levels from within that allow us to be ignited in the Christic Body, Unity Consciousness or Unity Vibrations.

What I would like to bring to light today is that HUmans—and I spell HUman as often as I can with a capital H and a capital U because humans play a far bigger role in the vast Original Creation plan. The Origin of the Human Race is far more than many can imagine, and far more than what many tap into. It’s far more than “females” doing something wrong and creating the “fall of man” – all of those tales are falsified. There are bits of pieces of truths, but we have to go back much farther before men got a hold of books to rewrite them.

In fact, how many times have you heard it be said that HUMANS are the vile problem and the sole responsibility of where we’re at today? I’ve heard it too many times, and I am going to challenge that and offer something that brings back the Origin Truths of what HUmans are, what this planetary being is, and more!

This celestial blueprint holds the key to the unfolding events of this paradigm shift of consciousness. Within the spectrum of consciousness are rays of light; each of what we call the “colors” resonates with distinct frequencies and come alive to illuminate the path ahead, as attached to consciousness. The genesis of "HUman" unveils a profound truth…

HUmanity is and always has been part of the organic and natural world, even though our planetary being and all of its living creations were separated from the ORIGIN matrix, which was engineered by the ancient founder races of beings serving as Guardians.

The "HU" means Harmonic Universe, and 'man' doesn't mean male; it means something far more magickal, which I’ll get into here in a moment.

The ultimate purpose of Original Creation that was held as a secret is what we’re uncovering here as well. HU is referenced in many sacred texts. In the ancient whispers of Egyptian and Greek lore dating to approximately 5,000 years ago, the word HU refers to what I would say is the GodSource Consciousness, Energy, or Source. Across distant lands, Sufi mystics in the high peaks of Tibet echo this primordial sound as the very genesis of Creation. Thousands of years ago, Druidic tales also spoke to this sacred sound, HU.

The verses of the Gnostic scriptures from around 400 AD also speak of this sacred sound meaning GodSource. In many texts, HU is known as the Supreme Being. Original Source has been called by various names in different languages, but the mystics have known this essence as Hu, the natural name, not a made-up man-made name. In fact, many ancient texts say one who is nameless, or Most High.

Creation tales, as old as time itself, entwine with the whispers of energy, vibrations, and the celestial Word that birthed the vast expanse of the Universe.

The Islamic Koran speaks directly about the HU and its role in creation: "HU gives you life and death. When a thing is created, HU says to it: "Be," and it is.

I was drawn to the word and sound of HU, knowing its connection to the Harmonic Universe Creation. In a book called The Flaming Door, the author connects this Sacred Sound to the Celtic-Druid lineage that HU was associated with the ascent “out of the body into the glorified state of expansion of the consciousness in the spiritual world."

Many of us are stepping back into our role as Guardians and as gridworkers (holding the organic grid and watching over it), and this is a criticial wave of energy that can assist in the lifting out of the black goo, the muck.

The emphasis on HU of HUman is what we can connect back into, and through sound we are carried back into the Harmonics of the True and Organic Universe. This Great White Lion grid of our Earth (the organic aspects of it) carries the harmonic frequency of truth, wisdom, and the True Magick of humanity’s reconnection through the Cosmic Mother vibrations

So, now that we know HU is Harmonic Universe, the MAN is made up of the letters M/m and A/a and N/n, so let’s look at these to figure out what ‘man’ really means (since we know that doesn’t really mean ‘male.’

M = It’s the thirteenth letter of the alphabet but the root corresponds to the Semitic mem and to the Greek mu (Μ). The Semitic form comes from an earlier sign representing waves of water.


You can see where the letter M comes from within that symbol. In ancient Hebrew, M connects to the word mayim (said like mah'-yim) which means waters or water, a noun masculine. The word mem stands for mayim, which means water, and water constitutes a vital element in our lives on every level, including original creation magick which is the Sacred Waters of the Cosmic Mother Womb. Therefore, M stands for masculine principle of water as in movement and action.

Now let’s look at A/a. A is the first letter of the alphabet, derived from the ancient Hebrew aleph or alef.


Aleph, when you look up etymology, the image symbolizes the powerful unity of the divine energy in both the material and spiritual realms. Aleph means ox or bull, and these are symbols of strength, the motive power or power at work. It also represents “original” as the first letter so “primal energy” or “first” so a is denoted as beginning, or first. Remember in the Bible it is mentioned “In the beginning was the Word…” This is Creation, Life, Origin of Life.


Now, let’s look at N/n. This is the 14th letter of the English alphabet, derived from nun that represents a fish or a snake, when looking at ancient Hebrew meanings it is “that which is hidden in the ocean depths, a fish” and “hidden, intimate, feminine.”


Nun actually is related to other ancient languages like Sanskrit, nana means “mother.” Nun also represents "Before there was anything, there was Nun" refers to ancient Egyptian mythology, where "Nun" represents the primordial waters of chaos, and it’s the correct way of seeing ‘primeval waters’ is the role of creation of the feminine principle. The concept of Nun represents the formless, chaotic state before the universe was organized. So, N is the feminine principle of water.

Therefore, MAN means the first or beginning of the male principle of water and female principle of water of creation (Origin). Hidden within this, you can also feel the Holy Trinity, can’t you? Mother-Father God, Original Creation expression, creating the Harmonic Universe MAN, a creation of Organic and Original Creation Primeval Waters.

This is DIVINE HUMAN! This is you. This is me. This is all of creation… and everything around us created in the beautiful Primeval Waters… the dear animals, the plants, the life givers, bountiful Earth, and all the beautiful Souls that accompany us in this expression of what should be Truly Divine.

I hope you also feel as I do how vital it is to remember that Human did not defile this Earth, but hijackers who came in to defile the HUman and keep this Earth and its beings feeling like they’re weak and futile. But now, in our reckoning and reclamation, we must RISE UP to stand in the Eternal Glory in which we were created! May this serve as a reminder of that Divinity that is YOUR TRUE FORM.