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Galactic Secrets Far Beyond the So-Called “Lions Gate” & Going Deeper Into Truths About Our Sun, Sirius & Ancient Khemit [Part 1]

By: Natalie Viglione

In this first part of a two-part series, we explore the deeper, often overlooked cosmic and galactic alignments occurring between July and August, challenging the mainstream concepts of the 'Lions Gate Portal.'

Delving into ancient and primordial knowledge, this episode questions the origins of terms like 'Egypt' and explores the hidden meanings of celestial events, the Sirius system, and hidden cosmological truths. Embark on a journey to rediscover the authentic connections between the Sun, Sirius, and the natural rhythms that have been obscured by modern calendars and mainstream fluff.



This is Part 1 to a 2-part series. This time in July and August (and even up into September) is powerful for many reasons as we enter into Cosmic Alignments—GALACTIC ALIGNMENTS! The calendar is a “new” invention, so let’s tap into the ANCIENT and COSMIC truths. When there’s way too much mainstream stuff coming about something, like a “Lions Gate Portal” that's when I get skeptical and move into deeper reflection.

What lies beyond surface-level spiritual jargon? Did the ‘lions gate’ concept really come from the region of what is now known as Egypt? What are the Galactic truths behind this all? Is this celestial event connected to the physical so-called Lions Gate in the city of Jerusalem?

We’ll dive into those questions and more; as a holder of Original Creation Codes, my quest is to go into the WHY, so come swim deep in the waters of the unknown with me to get some answers...

We are going to step into galactic alignments, because this time in July and August is powerful for many reasons as we enter into Cosmic Alignments. There is a Galactic Time that has been hidden, and then the Solar Calendar or Sun Calendar is an organic tracking that tapped into Galactic Energies and anchored them into the realm we call Earth and its ascended forms, Tara and Gaia. Yet, what is the truth of how primordial ones tracked seasons, cycles, etc.?

I’ve brought to life the Wheel of the Year which is the organic Solar Calendar, you can see more on that here: ... but there is so much more to talk about.

Galactic time is a magickal way to really connect into how we-- and all living things--connect with the Sun, the Life-Giving force. There is a Galactic New Year that anchors in the SAME TIME as the Sirius Gateway, we’ll get more into that shortly as the heliacal rising of the star Sirius gives us a reference point to orient a new yearly journey.

This connection into Galactic Time is really quite astounding as it’s also giving us back the lost and hidden (purposely) 13 months of 28 days within each of those months.

This is a universal reflection of natural harmony, and the Wheel of the Year taps into that further here in this realm. For way over 5000 years (and a number going further and further, but dates don’t really matter given the way dates are portrayed aren’t accurate anyway as we know them), the 13 moon and 28 day calendar related to this time we’re going to dive into.

This natural connection and “calendar” was followed by the Essenes, the Celtic-Druid (and pre Celtic-Druid) lineages and is where the Eightfold Sun Calendar comes from (the true and ORIGINAL Druids, the ones that were eradicated and then replaced by invading vile imposters that did horrid things). Many other cultures did as well including, Chinese, Khemitians (aka what we call Ancient Egyptians), Polynesians, Maya, Inca, and several Native American/First Nations Tribes all used this measure of the year. The Lakota kept this intact based on the ‘keya’ or turtle, since the turtle reflects the natural order with the 13 scales on its back.

WHEW. There is so much to share but that’s enough on that for now, let’s move on.

The date that just passed, 8/8 (August 8th) and this year since it’s 2024, it’s an 888 year (add up 2+0+2+4=8). An 888 year, of course, happens whenever there is a year that numerologically equals an 8, like 2024. But this time right now – the true Cosmic Events as connecting into their Origin and Galactic meanings -- isn’t really about the months per se nor the numerical meaning. It can be tapped into that way, but there is so much more to discover!

The mainstream gregorian calendar is a new and inorganic invention that has taken us out of true cosmic or galactic time, and away from the true organic solar calendar. And, like I mentioned, when there’s way too much mainstream stuff coming about something, which is the case for this thing called “Lions Gate Portal,” that's when I get skeptical and move into deeper reflection.

We’re diving into some deeper truths around this July-August powerful timeframe, and to begin to pick this huge topic apart in this part 1, let’s first look at the Royal Star Sirius. This is also known as the “sun of our sun” or a Spiritual Sun connected to our Sun. Our Sun is often called Sol (of course, very close to the word SOUL, isn’t it?!). More on that another time but there is much meaning there.

Sirius is a 3-Star System that we call Sirius A, B, and a third star that has yet to be discovered, Sirius C. The Dogon Tribe is an indigenous nation living in parts of West Africa. Since ancient times going back many, many thousands of years, they’ve counted Sirius as part of their sacred creation stories of the wisdom keepers. They mention that their people come from Sirius, and if you haven’t watched my video yet called Sirius B Wisdom Keepers & the Blue Ray this will delve into that topic a bit more.

The Dogon Tribe claimed this quite a long time ago, saying that there’s a third star in the Sirius system that has yet to be discovered, and we can see the Sirius A and B Stars with our naked eyes or telescopes. This system carries codes of magick, primordial wisdom, and is part of the Guardian Founder Races. The Feline and Leonine races, the Nommos (Mer Lineage, mermaids, for example), and Cetaceans (which are Dolphins and Whales), and of course, this also includes those who came from Lyra.

I speak often of my connection to the Brotherhood of the Great White Lions and the Lineage and Sisterhood of the Goddess Lioness Warrior-Healers, the Seers and a lineage connected to Lyra, and more. I’ve also spent dreamtime with the Sirian Blue Race of Beings; there’s much to say about Sirius as a whole, but just wanted to drop this insight as we’re speaking of a system that holds much wisdom of Original Creation Truths, Spiritual Evolution, awakening Guardian Codes within many of us and our DNA, and so much more.

What REALLY Happens in What We Have Named July and August?

One of the most important factors from the arc of light I carry is that the words “July” and “August” and the correlating number to that name held absolutely no meaning in ancient times, which are the roots of the sources of these Celestial Events. To tap into the roots of what these celestial events mean, we have to see beyond what these modern conventions covered up, hid, or what was layered on top of what was there previously. These month names were much later inventions.

The whole “Lions Gate Portal” is often attached to the date August 8th, or 8/8, and is considered significant in numerology because the number eight inverted sideways represents infinity. The numerology part is absolutely true about the 8 symbology, the August 8th aspect wasn’t a thing in ancient times, so a celestial event wouldn’t be tied to August nor an 8/8, that is a little piece that isn’t really connecting into the Original Creation Energies of the event and what the energies behind the Cosmic event really mean. The calendar we have now didn’t exist!

To fix this, there could be just an 8/8 event where we modern folks just tap into the beauty of what 8 represents and dive into that number... that would help clear some things up. But, there's more to uncover...

Before this modern calendar used, the invention created by an evil pope, things were looked at as cycles. The whole ‘evil pope’ aspect is another storytelling for another day. You can learn a bit about the Original and Organic Solar Calendar in my video called Original Creation Magick and the Organic Eightfold Sun Calendar.

According to this gregorian (inorganic) calendar and this tracking mechanism, in the month we call July every year, what’s really taking place is that there’s a sacred gateway of energy that’s activated between Earth, the Sirius System, and our Sun, bringing heightened frequencies that carry codes via the vibrations, which really means codes or activations of spiritual advancement.

When this gateway is activated, it is a highly potent time on Earth. A time where things RISE; awakenings and downloads come in, and why Sirius is often referred to as Earth’s Spiritual Sun. Ancient cultures like the Mayans (and many more) also kept Original Creation time where July 26th is also the start of a Galactic New Year, the beginning of a New Cycle of Time Creation, or as they called it, the Sacred Year.

A few years ago, I sat and connected deeply with the Sun and saw Sirian codes coming through our Sun and into our realm, and I saw and felt these codes awakening within me. When feeling into this, I knew innately that what it was doing is switching on DNA and felt that deep within due to new information that came into my field, and knew that this is what happens during this time. Of course, as many of you already know, our Sol, or Sun, is sending awakening codes into our realm through and into Sacred Lands and this is happening more and more frequently!

But July begins to send in a rise in codes from Sirius to our Sun and then by way of our sun to the Earth. I’ll have to talk more in depth on this aspect another time, but the Sirian and benevolent Beings of that realm or system are helping to guide humanity on the path of evolution into a new octave, what many also call ascension.

Then, we come into what we call the August timeframe, and what’s happening is that when our Sun rises on August 7th, it continues to rise about a minute later each day (in the northern hemisphere), as the earth proceeds along its orbital path from Litha, which is also called the Summer Solstice (which is in June) and on towards Mabon, or the Autumn Equinox (which is in September), and then ultimately to the Winter Solstice (December). These are the northern hemisphere dates of course...

This time is known as the heliacal rising of Sirius and it doesn’t really matter what hemisphere one lives on, as it’s a time that the ancient ones knew and tracked and followed for profound reasons beyond what has been deemed the ‘lions gate portal.’ The heliacal rising of a star or a planet occurs annually when it first becomes visible above the eastern horizon at dawn just before sunrise after a complete orbit of the Earth around the Sun.

Before its heliacal rise, the Sun was rising earlier than Sirius, but as Sirius rises earlier and earlier, it eventually begins to rise earlier than the Sun. It keeps rising earlier and earlier its rise will continue "into the night" and further ahead of sunrise even. When Sirius first begins to rise earlier than the sun, the sky is still too bright to observe Sirius.

This means it rises in conjunction at Sunrise in the northern hemisphere, especially over the region that’s now known as Egypt, and this was connected into the same time that the Nile River also rises. So, this essence of RISING... RISING and awakening, lifting holds much meaning. To the ancient ones in that region, this represented the renewal of abundance for another cycle, but it’s way more than that, too. We’re going to go deeper!

The so-called lions gate portal is said to exist because of a celestial alignment between the Sun in Leo and then the alignment of our Sun with Sirius. But, as noted above, it’s more than an alignment with Sirius as us ancient mystics know, the system known as Sirius fuels our Sun with light and spiritual wisdom, as noted above and the codes, activations, etc. And this has been reflected by my feeling and seeing the codes literally coming in through our Sun into our Earthly Realm.

But the troublesome aspect of the lions gate is that the Sun doesn’t always move into the “lion” meaning the Leo constellation at that time of 8/8 as is so widely believed. There is a mismatch of truths here so if we want to really tap into the Cosmic Energies, it’s great to dig WAY deeper and go into hidden cosmology.

Some Hidden Cosmology Points

The whole lions gate portal event is also supposed to be about the fact that the Sun moves into the Leo constellation, and it’s said that the Sun enters Leo at the time of the 8/8, but is that actually true? The short answer is no, the longer answer is sometimes and here’s why:

Sidereal Astrology, which is what I utilize and am deep diving into so that I can soon do charts and such for my clients, the Sidereal Astrological system utilizes the constellations and what’s actually happening in the sky at a current moment. This is a big difference. Sidereal also brings back the 13th sign that was eradicated as some point, Ophiuchus. As I delve into Original Creation Codes, anything that is eradicated or left out needs to be known. This goes for any topic for we must always know what has been hidden, left out purposely or lost, or even eradicated purposely.

I have an article called Opening the Cosmic Curtain: A Journey into Hidden Cosmology, which you can review here to learn more on my angle on that: 

The Sun right now, at the time of me creating this around August 20th, 2024, to serve as an example, on August 8th the Sun DID NOT move into Leo. Therefore, the aspect of a ‘lions gate portal’ connecting into Leo on 8/8 isn’t what’s taking place this year when we look at what’s really happening in our sky realm. The Sun doesn't move into Leo in this year until August 19th. Just going by these aspects of what’s really happening in the sky, the “lions gate portal” gets flipped on its head a bit.

That’s why tapping into ancient truths underneath these things and looking at Sidereal cosmology and tracking what’s actually going on in the sky can keep these kinds of celestial goings-on way more accurate and allow us to truly FEEL and tap into the energies.

Also, Aug. 8th is an entryway, but not to a said ‘lions gate’ as what the real gateway is connected to overall is Sirius and that really begins in July and then moves into August. To be more accurate, we could say the Sirius Gateway opens in July on a Galactic level, and then watch to see when the actual timeframe is that our Sun moves into the Leo constellation—that's when a deeper connection to Leo or the lion aspect can be added to the energies.

The energies of what the ancients were actually tapping into in this timeframe of July-August is something more though... and this word RISE is important, and we’ll get to that in a moment.

Is the ‘Lions Gate’ Connected to the Gates of Jerusalem? Is it a Trap?

I’ve seen some content come that speaks to the ‘lions gate” as being a trap. It's very important to look at all things for we must relearn most things taught in our silly HIS-story books, but sometimes there isn’t deep enough research being done and then we can get taken off track and miss these times of tapping into powerful energies altogether. Looking at deeper roots, especially etymology, this can help to clarify things for translations sometimes are very wrong or not truly innerstood (I say this instead of ‘understood’ so that we can stand from within!).

Many have come across the fact that there is a physical representation of what’s said to be a ‘lions gate’ in Jerusalem. But, when looking at translations of what this gate is connected to and the symbology, at its root it’s also called the 'Gate of the Tribes' and later under religious undertones called St. Stephen's Gate (and a myriad of other names).

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If we take the name as the Gate of Tribes and look more deeply at the image one of the 12 doorways or gates, the entryway to one of the gates that has been tagged as being the ‘lions gate” has 4 of these animal carvings; 2 on the left and right of the gate. The issue is that these aren’t lions; many call them jaguars or leopards. So, the translation isn’t coming through properly and something is missing from original interpretation. Therefore, when we look at translations and the carvings of this one gate, we can see that the celestial event and this physical gate don’t have a correlation.

However, this entire topic of these gates do deserve a deeper dive for me to share as there are 12 gates in the Gate of Tribes and that is connected to something deeper, but not a celestial event per se (not the thing people are calling ‘lions gate’). Getting into Original Creation, there were original 12 Essene Tribes and these tribes seeded the earth... that’s all I will say for now, but I’ll go into that in one of my future longer form classes that will be available in our community that’s coming soon.

I just wanted to drop this here so that others can go on a journey of discovery around this and dispel any facets that don’t resonate about the physical gate and the supposed celestial event.

The point to say that it’s a “trap” isn’t really a great word to use, as I see this from my lens, but the reality saying the ‘Lions Gate portal’ is 8/8 is not really accurate, and so the energies surround the true celestial meaning can be parsed out and felt. For me, when there is some kind of celestial event that goes mainstream that’s equating to “manifesting our desires,” what I feel that we must ask ourselves is, WHAT are we manifesting? What is the angle of intention and related emotions behind said manifesting?

We must always feel into the angle of energy that is not a greedy or jealous emotion, which are some of the lowest of low frequencies. Anything created out of greed, jealousy, etc. IS a trap as those are very low-frequency vibrations and not birthed from LOVE. That would be an aspect I believe is important to discuss around the timeframe that is talked about that people call lions gate.

What’s the Region We Now Call Egypt and What’s the Connection to the Timeframe Discussed as Lions Gate?

To dig deeper, we must talk about the ancient roots and truths of the connections of the supposed lions gate, which is a bit of a misnomer as we’ve discussed thus far. The larger connection is to the Sirius Energetic Gateway and the Lands that we now call Egypt. That word “Egypt” isn’t the word that was actually used for that entire country or region—that larger region was always known in a before time as Khemit (or also spelled Khemet or Kemet). There is much importance of the star Sirius to the Ancients of Khemit for it was an ancient civilization that predated Sumer, Babylon and what we know as dynastic Egypt. Khemit held highly advanced wisdom of astronomy/cosmology, mathematics and what we call “science” (though I would say Cosmic Technology that we mistake for magick).

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I say “before time” as Khemit connects into time when that region was not corrupted by forces that began to destroy the natural elements of those lands, which is a great topic for a future piece. The name Khemit (which is spelled in varying ways) comes from the soil, Kem means black, and the soil is black and very fertile soil created from the Nile (said like ‘neel’).

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This (below) is an image from a wonderful book called Land of Osiris written by that’s filled with indigenous wisdom that was passed down orally by this man, Abd’El Hakim Awyan. As he points out, Egypt is a word that later came from the root word Het-Ka-Ptah, which essentially means “The Place of the of the Projection of the God Ptah” but only refers to one area, not the whole entire country. The ancients and Indigenous humans of those lands referred to the entire region or “country” as KMT, which is spelled many ways – Kemit, Kemet, Al Khem, etc. KMT literally means “The Black Land” and refers to the rich, black, fertile soil deposited by the Nile River making agriculture in that region possible.

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The Primordial Humans of those Lands in Khemit aligned their monuments and sacred buildings toward the rising points of some bright stars, such as Sirius and Canopus, and other stars (namely those of the constellation Ursa Major, or the Big Bear) to align temples and pyramids with the cardinal points. This is because Sirian Beings assisted to build the pyramids—I can go more on that in upcoming sessions.

Sirius is also connected to Isis and Osiris, and was also identified with a celestial bow and arrow. There is imagery depicting stars that we associate with the lower legs and tail of the constellation Canis Major with a drawn bow (as in a bow and arrow) pointing to Sirius, which became the "Arrow Star." The bow pointing to Sirius is confirmed by its depiction in ancient imagery found, such as the Round Zodiac at Dendera.

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Source of image: Book: Hamlet’s Mill

Because of the heliacal rise of Sirius in what we call mid-August, each year, this was a signal from the natural world that the mighty Nile was about to flood. Sirius continues to rise, and ceremonies celebrating the annual flood still occur today.

But the river providing that rich, fertile, black soil has even deeper meanings we’re going to touch upon in the next part of this video, which is Part 2.

In conclusion for this Part 1, there are varying ways to tap into the energies that are still rising, here are some ideas:

  1. Tap into the heliacal rising of Sirius – connect with the Sun and the codes that are coming in, what do they say? What do you feel? Talk to your DNA, what’s being activated for you?
  2. As the Nile rises, tap into abundance of the Mother Frequency, the Blue Ray of Creation is the Cosmic Mother, what does this energy have for you? Think of unconditional love for yourself, for example, or tap into the gratitude of the abundance. This connects perfectly with the Solar Calendar as well for August 1st or 2nd in the ancient Celtic and pre-Celtic times, Lughnasa was celebrated that focused on this aspect – gratitude for the First Harvest. All of these things connect together when we see the overall tapestry! If you want to see the celebration we had for Lughnasa (sometimes called Lammas) this Aug. 1st and continue that energetic connection, go here:
  3. Be ready for the next year, one can look at the aspect of the 8/8 (not related to a lions gate aspect as the Sun).
  4. Look to Sidereal Astrology to know when the Sun moves into Leo and then there’s the Sirius + Leo / Lion connection.
  5. There will be more coming up in Part 2 as related to the Nile and Khemit.

For now, I hope this Part 1 helps to lift up, or RISE UP more of the primordial meanings of the Galactic Times that we call July and August and inspires an awakening of MORE of your magick!