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Ep 125, Crystal Healing and Energetic Practices: A Path to Inner Potential and Healing

Host & Creator, Natalie Viglione

In this Disrupt Now Podcast episode, we will be talking to Damla Aktekin, an Inner Child Energetic Wound Healer, Crystal Healing Teacher, and Soul Healing Writer. Damla helps self-healers and healers move beyond the energetic wounds of their inner children and shine brighter than they thought possible so that they can fully show up in their lives to heal themselves, their families, and their soul-tribe.

Here's what you'll hear in this episode:

  • How we are a drop of Om in a sea of Om
  • By connecting with crystals, we can access our inner potential sparks and heal energetic wounds that manifest in our physical and energy bodies.
  • Discovering the benefits of energetic healing
  • In the complex world we live in today, why would it be helpful to have tools like crystal healing and energetic practices to help us stay grounded and connected to our inner selves

So let's dive into the conversation and learn more about Damla's healing journey and her approach to crystal healing!

Your Energetic Wounds Quiz

Determine what your energetic wounds are and how they show up in your life


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Damla Aktekin is an Inner Child Energetic Wound Healer, Crystal Healing Teacher, and Soul Healing Writer who helps other self-healers and healers move beyond the energetic wounds of their inner children and shine brighter than they thought possible so that they can fully show up in their lives to heal themselves, their families, and their soul-tribe.

Through her own healing journey, she discovered a unique way to approach crystal healing which is based on cultivating a loving, co-creative, and respectful relationship with crystals that activates their limitless healing potential. She is the author of life-changing daily practice journals, creator of the Chakra Bliss Vault Crystal Healing Membership, and the host of the Conversations With Healers Podcast.

Connect with Damla directly!


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